
If my kitten has worms/parasites do I need to deworm my adult cats if they've been using the same litter box?

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My 13 week old kitten was using the litter box. He now is using a hidden corner in my living room. His stool is loose and he has blood in it as of this morning. He has had his first part of de-worming.




  1. Yes, but it is not perhaps as bad as you might fear.  If they share a litter box, they can all get worms.  But simply tell your vet, and your vet will ask the weight of each of your cats (approximate is good enough), as the dosage is weight dependent.  So your other cats will get one pill or perhaps a pill and a half.  It is rare that the vet would request to see your other cats.  Hopefully, you are using a vet prescribed dewormer, as that sold in stores is normally a waste of money.

    Keep an eye on the kitten output, as diarrhea can quickly dehydrate a kitten, and a cold also caused diarrhea and a loose stool could be a symptom of that.

    You should have multiple litter pans, and perhaps a low sided one for the kitten may be better used.

  2. Absolutely yes. They are past through stools.

  3. Yes you do it passes through there bm and i had a puppy with worms and i had to get my other dog de-wormed again.  

  4. YES!!!!!!!

  5. yes ALL CATS need to be dewormed ...

  6. Yes you do need to.

    Adult cats should be wormed every so often, but kittens must be wormed regularly - like at least monthly until they're 6 months old. It's important not to use pet store worm treatments, as these are a load of rubbish.

    You should take the kitten to the vet, or at least ring them. Blood in the stool = not necessarily worms.


  7. Put a litter box in the hidden corner of the living room.  All the cats should be dewormed because if they walk through contaminated f***s and l**k their paw (which cats do), they are infected.  You may want to talk to the vet about the blood though.  Worms can cause it.  Still, not a good sign.

  8. yes because i think you should deworm both of them because the other cat may already have worms but you may not know that.

  9. Yes, both cats should be treated - and the vet should be informed about what is happening with the kitten.  

  10. yes you must deworm your adult cat too because he most likely have worms too  mainly because they use the same litter box And main reason for the kitten breaking its training is because he getting rid of the worm you should keep them in a area that can be clean easily until their treatment is done and clean his litter daily  GOOD LUCK

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