I left school at 17 but cant get job in Lancs. So moved to Berks where work prospects far better. But found accom costs mostly £700+ per week which cant afford on my Job Seekers. But when desperate for somewhere to stay, found this old guy who lets me share his flat if share rent. He moved out of only bedroom (25ft by 25Ft) so it is now all mine.He now sleeps usually day time in broom cupboard only just big enough for his single mattress. Coz he has job working 14 hour nite shifts 5 on 3 off, he agreed I only need pay £100 per month and he pays remaining £300 of monthly rent to Housing Assn. Most evenings & nites I have whole flat to myself including sat TV when he is at work He OK except he is disgustingly untidy and a bit whiffy. He does not always kleen bath or loo after using, also kitchen floor is filthy & living room likea tip. So I am kleening up his mess. If I refuzed to pay 50% of my share of rent until he improoves cud he as landlord evict me?