
If my last period was july 11,2008 and now its August 25,2008 does it mean im pregnant?

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My last period was july 11,2008 and now it is August the 25,2008 it that a bad sign that im pregnant are could it mean something else i dont know what's going on with my body?




  1. Well, first of all, did you have s*x anytime between that? Was it protected or unprotected and how protected (both condom and birth control? neither?)

    If you didn't have s*x, or used the maximum protection (birth control, condom AND pulling-out method at the same time), then you could just be skipping a period! Before I went on birth control, I only had 11 periods per year, skipping every August. It would terrify me.

    If you think you could be pregnant, take a test. If you have doubts you could be pregnant, the safest bet is to just take the test.

  2. It simply means your period is late, which could be caused by numerous issues. Cross the issues off the list one by one, get a pregnancy test, if you are nto pregnant, then it may be stress related, related to illness or many other issues which you may need to get checked out.  

  3. take a pregnancy test

  4. Chances are you are NOT pregnant, especially if you havent had your period very regularly in the first place. The first time I actually had a regular cycle was when I started birth control 5 years later. Dont worry too much, but take a pregnancy test just to be sure if it will make you feel better

  5. it depends..if you had s*x then it could be..

    but a period can get pushed backed for several reasons...

    if you're stressed..your eating habits have lost or gained weight..there could be several different reasons..

    i have heard that just by having s*x it could cause your period to get pushed back a week or so.

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