I have been to counseling through out the years, because her alcoholism has really made our family miserable. We have tried every thing. I am now married with two kids. My husband and I, 2 or 3 nights out of the week like to watch a movie, after the kids are in bed and have a 2-3 beers. My aunt freaks, and says you know your mom is an alcoholic and you can turn into one to. I am not dependant by any means....I go weeks without wanting or thinking about having a drink. It doesn't revolve around my life. I just don't want to feel weird everytime that I want to go out with friends or sitting at home with my husband..that I am doing something wrong if I have a couple drinks. It makes me so mad, because I do not want to be compared to my mother, and my aunt occasionally makes comments to me, and she drinks too! I just wanted to ask anybody's opinion...please no rude comments...this is a very touchy subject for me, especially where my mothers concerned. Thank you!