
If my mom is an alcolholic...what are the odds of me being one too..;?

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I have been to counseling through out the years, because her alcoholism has really made our family miserable. We have tried every thing. I am now married with two kids. My husband and I, 2 or 3 nights out of the week like to watch a movie, after the kids are in bed and have a 2-3 beers. My aunt freaks, and says you know your mom is an alcoholic and you can turn into one to. I am not dependant by any means....I go weeks without wanting or thinking about having a drink. It doesn't revolve around my life. I just don't want to feel weird everytime that I want to go out with friends or sitting at home with my husband..that I am doing something wrong if I have a couple drinks. It makes me so mad, because I do not want to be compared to my mother, and my aunt occasionally makes comments to me, and she drinks too! I just wanted to ask anybody's opinion...please no rude comments...this is a very touchy subject for me, especially where my mothers concerned. Thank you!




  1. i don't think that if your mom is an alcoholic, you are too. Sometimes its medical. don't feel bad about having a couple of drinks. just enjoy your self, *not too much

  2. my  mom is an alcoholic also.. i don't drink often either. but i am very careful i do not want my 3 boys to go through what i did. only you have the power to stop the cycle. people compare me to my mom all the time i hate it but after the years i have decided to just stop being around those people. i have a lonely life but i don't hear it any more. i still only drink 2 or 3 times a year but i don't hear any ones mouth.. you are in control of you. i hope that helps you.  

  3. Depends on if your mom drank when she was pregnant with you. If you think that you can go that long without a drink, then you definitely are not one at this moment. If it really is bugging you, see a therapist. Even one session of someone's unbiased opinion can help.  

  4. Being an alcoholic is not just how much you drink, but WHY you drink. Also, how you tolerate it... as well as can you stop at one, or does it have to always be more.

    It doesn't sound to me like it is affecting your relationship with your children, nor work, etc.

    If you feel concerned (and want to find a way to deal with your aunt), speak to your counselor.

    All the best!

  5. I'm in the same boat. and I will share what i have learned.

    first of all, you will not "turn into" an alcoholic. if it is genetic then it has already been determined. if it was environmental, chances are good you would have already been one by now.

    doctors believe if 1 parent is addicted the odds are 50% you will be too. if both parents, are, the risk shoots up to 95%.

    BUT, sometimes good genes win out. both of my parents have addiction issues and they passed over my sister and i. neither one of us have addiction tendencies.

    the 2 major signs of addiction are "addiction of the body and obsession of the mind."

    It can be difficult for normal drinkers who suffered under the hand of others to drink socially and not feel guilty about it. if it really concerns you now, you could abstain for a while until you get past certain issues about your mom.

    I would also like to encourage you to attend alanon meetings for the family of alcoholics. it can truly help if you haver an open mind.

    if your aunt makes comments, you can politely say "thank you for your concern but i am an adult and I know what is right for me."

    its just setting a boundary.

    email me anytime if you'd like to talk further in depth.

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