
If my mom is under my car insurance & gets into an accident and it's her fault- can the other driver sue me?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in NY state.




  1. YES!  You should get your mom her own policy and pay the premiums. You sound like you are a good child but ANYONE on your policy is under your umbrella and you are liable, hence the term liability.

  2. Most policies cover the car and any legal driver. If that person uses that car on a regular basis they must be on that policy for an extra fee. If you have insurance and are driving a friend's car and you are involved in an accident your insurance would come into play after his or her policy pays out if the car is not insured then your policy would then pay out. In some states there is broad form insurance that covers your license but not the car. So if your mom borrows your car under that policy you would not be covered. BUT REMEMBER TO CHECK WITH YOUR INSURANCE AGENT FIRST. As for damages done by someone else driving your car the law varies from state to state. The victim will go after the person with the most money. Good luck and drive carefully.

  3. Yes they will go after your insurance first and then after the owner of the vehicle as well.

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