
If my mother says to the judge ?

by  |  earlier

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if my mom tells the judge that im pergnant and she wants me placed ...what is likely to happen will i get placed for somthng so stupid




  1. Placed? What in a foster home?  

  2. Sorry to hear about your situation. First of all, do you have other family that would help you? Do you want to keep your child? Have you considered adoption??

         Your mom cannot have you placed just because she doesn't want to help you raise your baby. However, she can give up her parental rights over you, or say that she cannot handle you in which case you would become a ward of the state. You would then go into the system, either a shelter/group home or foster home. There is also a chance the court will take you away from your mom. Between the fighting and pregnancy (I hope you weren't pregnant when you got into the fight) you are showing that you are irresponsible. Judges do not want to separate families, so if you have other relatives you could live with, call them and ask them to come to court. Be sure they have room for you, etc, as the court will look at that too. Good luck.

  3. What do you mean by placed? Also how old are you?

  4. more info please..placed for old are you...why are you seeing a judge?

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