
If my new puppy continues to...?

by  |  earlier

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...c**p in the house, how many c**p sandwiches would it have to eat before it understands that it has to go outside to c**p?




  1. You have to train the puppy before he knows that it is not ok to p**p inside.  Takes time and patience!

  2. Took 17 for mine.  Oh, and the beatings probably helped too.

  3. ..Quite a few I am thinking..I can not believe it is still crapping in your need to take it out on the grass and show it how..a little embarrassing..but drastic measures need a taking ...Buk...the nieghbours will understand...

  4. Now, now, dear boy. It's just a baby remember. You must teach it right from wrong. If it's still going in the house you know you've done a crappy job of it. LMFAO

  5. Send that puppy out here so I can make a real dog of it.A few bear,wolf and cougar scares,and that darn pup won't have anything left to p**p out.

  6. Awww Buk you got a puppy? I would say after the first time he should get it

  7. You need to set a good example for the poor dog! When it sees YOU crapping in the house, he thinks it's OK for him! Stop crapping in the house! c**p outside! It should work! Good luck! :)

  8. Aww you could at least toast the sandwiches first, or microwave them.....x

  9. I've known dogs that go their whole life eating c**p, and they haven't learnt a darn thing until their dead. Here's to ya - I'll be hoping for you,  it isn't one of THOSE!

  10. We all know Bootsie's well past that, however, she really needs to have a word with her sister Lucy, as Lucy is starting to demand mayo on her sandwiches, having developed quite a taste for this steady diet of hers....while you're there, have a talk with YOUR sister, tell her this is NOT the way to go.


  11. He might like it and continue to do c**p all over the place just so you can feed it c**p sandwiches.  Just hope he doesn't get the runs or else it's eating c**p soup.

  12. How many did you eat before it dawned on you??

  13. YOU... got a puppy? What is it....... a Hyena puppy?

  14. Haven't you ever heard that a child only does what they see?

    In other words. Quit $hitting  in the house, Buk !

  15. I'd advise that you start with the basics and take the puppy outside every 2 hours to the same place where you want it to perform. Being nasty to the pup isn't very fair as it doesn't obviously get the message. If the dog performs when you take it out then treat it with a treat or hug, either will be good enough for the dog. Once you've done this for a few days you should have a trained puppy. Also, take into consideration the food you are feeding him/her. I give the best I can afford in smaller amounts and my dogs go either once or twice a day max. Good luck with your puppy,


  16. You will have to eat 50 or so. Oh, you meant the puppy. The puppy doesn't have to eat any. That's just cruel.

  17. you have to train it to do that. take it outside like every hour so it can get in the habit of going outside. it goes inside becuase it doesn't know any better and assumes that its okay to do this.

  18. well....i'm starting to think that the beatings along with it may do the trick...

  19. Who let you have a puppy?

  20. until you take him outside every two hours

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