
If my p***s is somewhat slanted? ?

by  |  earlier

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Due to excessive masturbation on my part, my p***s always curves noticeably to the left even when it's flaccid. And when it becomes erect, this angle becomes rather pronounced and distinct. Now if I were to have sexual intercourse with someone, would this slight aberration that has all ready been described, cause the condom I'm wearing to tear or slip off. I'm planning to make a trip to the local brothel for some fun soon, hence the importance and urgency of this question. Thanks.




  1. just learn to either turn the pages of the dirty mag with ur right hand or use ur right hand with the mouse and beat with ur left

  2. its ok

  3. Almost all of us have a curve or bend.  It's normal.  If you think it's caused by your masturbation habit, then switch hands.  

  4. It's "normal" but dude switch hands!

  5. had a school nurse in jr high that got us all together for the s*x Talk. she got out a condom and put her whole forearm in it, never broke

    (point was never believe a guy who says he's too big to wear one)

    but i'm gonna bet if a condom can do that, it can stay on a curve too

    and as far as the curve goes, sugar, no 2 look the same


  6. everyone has there own shape but if the curvature is severe then visit a doctor for further help

  7. it wont fell off unless its improperly worn..mine is slightly deviated aswell (i dont know y i sd that)..nyway just a tip, u would probably benefit if ul position the girl on the side where your p***s that the g spot would be stimulated more

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