
If my period comes rather late and is incredibly light can I still be pregnant?

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My period was due last sunday and today would be day 31 of my cycle. I got some reddish tinged mucus this morning and I've gotten a little bit of watery blood when I went to the bathroom, but its not even something I need a liner for. It only comes out when I go to the bathroom and wipe. I've been really tired and had sore b*****s recently as well as frequent urination and some nausea. I took 2 tests a few days ago and both were negative, but I'm rather late and still not really getting blood. Has anyone else had this and still been pregnant?




  1. that would probably be implantation bleeding- when egg burrows into uterine lining [what would of been your period]. its only spotting or only noticable when you wipe. i think you are pregnant though..take a hpt in another week or so as it was probably to early to get the hormone..

    yea actually you can spot just a lil when it was time for your period which is the bleeding youre experiencing if its starts to turn red and becoming heavier then its your period [or a chemical pregnancy].  but definetly take another hpt OR go to the doctors for a blood test...good luck hun!

  2. Could be pregnant. Wait another few days and test first thing in the morning. If you can, go to a doctor for blood test. This will tell you for sure. also, mention to the doctor your symptoms.

  3. IF you just began Birth Control, this is somewhat common. Periods dont usually regulate until about the third continuos month of using the pill. But if this isnt the first time, i would recomend a doctors appt. Pending on the HPT, you could have gotten a false negative. Some HPT's just dont pick up on the pregnancy hormone like others and your only sure guess will be a blood test from your doctor. a week late sounds pretty likely to be preggo. =]] Spot bleeding, or light bleeding but no period is very common with pregnancy it happens during fertilization. when the egg attaches itself to the lining of your uterus. Deff try again tmrw, and if still neg. but no bleeding call your doc.

  4. Yes, with my first I had this. I didn't get a positive test until 4 weeks after the spotting stopped though. It could be too early for the test, or your cycle may be changing around - it happens to me every so often.

    If your period doesn't show up in the next week, try taking another test. If you can't stand the wait, get a blood test done, it won't be too early to detect pregnancy.

    ** Sorry yes, as the person below me said, implantation bleeding can cause a little bit of pinkish colored spotting.

    And yes, definitely try again... it could just have been too early for the test to pick up any hormones. Get a more sensitive test this time. I just had 4 negative and 3 positive PTs. I know, I'm obsessive, but I had a feeling I'm pregnant, I just wanted confirmation

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