
If my puppy has hiccups how do I get rid of them/?

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My puppy, Rufus, has the hiccups almost all the time. It seems to be really bothering him...

I want to help him get rid of them. How do I get rid of them?




  1. i'd take him to the vets and ask there  

  2. He is growing that is natural, and he will grow out of it.  

  3. Sorry idk how to get rid of them but my puppy had the same problem. The vet said that it was perfectly normal and she should grow out of having them so often.

  4. All puppies have hiccups they're growing so fast they just need to hiccup.

  5. you can't really just wait for them to go away. try asking the vet they might know.

  6. uuum...take him to the doctor

    they might be able to tell you what to do

    im no doctor...

    but i heard that if you take a little squeeze tube thing....

    and fill it with some milk...

    and give that to them...

    it might help... im not sure...

    hope i helped(at least a little bit)  :)


  7. You don't.  It's just a puppy thing; they hiccup a lot when they're young.  He'll grow out of it eventually.

  8. awww you should put a pic up


    uhmm if their just hiccups after he eats/drinks it just could be that s/he ate/drank too fast!

    but if its happening like you said almost ALL the time.. that doesnt sound good.. call your vet.. even the secertary there would be better equipted to help you with this question they any yahoo.answer persons lool

    and talk to the place you got him/her from breeder store friend ext

    TAKE HIME TO THE VET ASAP>>> if its bothering him.. thats not fair>> you really sound like you love your puppy, calm down and you'll do the right thing


    let me know how it went... its kind of strange

    message me sometime lol :P

  9. We'd all be ever so happy if a solid cure came up for the hiccups, but so far, its like the common cold, you have to just wait for it to stop. Don't try anything, just leave it, it'll sort itself out

    if it carries on for more than an hour, i'd say vet.  

  10. Unfortunately, there is really nothing you can do for a puppy with hiccups, other than have him rest quietly until the hiccups are gone. If you find certain circumstances such as extreme excitement seem to trigger the hiccups, you can try to avoid those types of situations.

    Puppies quite commonly get hiccups. When puppies eat and drink, they tend to ingest large quantities of air. Air, as it enters the esophagus and stomach, tends to trigger the hiccupping response. The authors have never seen an instance where hiccups was the result of any disease disorder. Consider hiccupping normal and common in dogs, and especially in puppies less than eight months of age

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