
If my "pal" were to delete all evidence of illegal downloads, could she still be charged?

by  |  earlier

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Say if she were to delete the tunes as soon as they were downloaded, and nothing was in her limewire library, but they were in her iTunes?




  1. Well its a tricky one

    They could ask you from where the music came from and then posible make a link to limewire (who wouldnt)

    Also they can track what has been downloaded and what happens on the PC.

    But the chances of someone being caught is highlyh unlikley unless they download movies and videos.

  2. I would imagine so, as it would presumably still be stored on the hard drive.  However, she would probably get away with it, if it's only music.

  3. If law enforcement actually came after your "pal," then yes, she could be charged.  There is no way to completely erase a file on your hard drive short of formatting the drive (which wipes out EVERYTHING on it).  The Federal, state, and local cyber-crimes groups have computer forensics experts that can pull up files that have been deleted.  See, deleting a file doesn't remove the file -- it simply removes the "tag" that tells the computer where it's located.  The file is still there, and anyone who knows enough about computers and utility programs can still find and access the file.

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