
If my someone else drove my car & got into an accident would they be responsibe for the damages or would I?

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If my someone else drove my car & got into an accident would they be responsibe for the damages or would I?




  1. Your responsible for who you loan your car too.So your the one that will pay for it.Insurance company's also have restrictions on loaning out your car especially to younger drivers so be careful.

  2. you would be reponsible if there name is not on your ins. policy

  3. Since it is your car, your insurance will normally take car of the damages.  When you let someone else drive your car usually your insurance will cover them if they get in to an accident.  Some insurance companies or certain policies will not cover other people who drive in your car though, so make sure you ask them before you let anyone borrow your car.  You don't want the insurance company to deny your claim if someone else was driving your car.

    In the end, you would be the one paying the deductible or for any other damages not your friend.  You would probably have the option of suing the person who wrecked your car for the expenses that you had to pay if you wanted to pursue that.

  4. Answer from a General Insurance Agent

    Whether your tallking about Liability for damages to others or damages to your own vehicle, you are both responsible.

    The driver has primary liability for the damages  because he was in control of the vehicle at the time of the loss. You are also liable under permissive use rules.

    When we loan our vehicle to another party we accept the possibility of a loss and any liablity resulting from an accident.

    Take care and Good Luck

  5. Your auto policy would be responsible for the damages.  

    Damages to the other car should fall under your policy's limits for property damage.... if you are wondering about getting your car fixed it should fall under collision on your policy (if you have it).

    Don't worry, your friend will be listed as the driver on the accident report, be sure to let your insurance company know WHO was really driving the car (and if the cops were there then your friend will appear as the driver involved in that loss).

    BUT the BAD part..... you are all in all responsible for that accident.  It is YOUR car, your insurance.

    It COULD possibly effect your premium depending on how much was paid out in the accident and who's fault it was.


    Good luck!

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