
If my son is 5,2 at 12 how tall would he be at 22? if my other son is 4,2 at 7 how tall would he be at 22 ?

by  |  earlier

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parents and grandparents are 5,6 - 5,7




  1. Those old, "depending on your height at such and such an age will confirm your adult height" don't work. My mom did it on me in the 80s, and I was supposed to be 5'8". Ha! I'm 5'2". Because you and your parents are all in the 5'6" and 5'7" range, that is probably how tall your kids will be.

  2. it depends, how tall he is, you are, your husband is, and all of your ages, i am 14 and i am 6 ft 2in, and my parents are shorter than me at the moment, b/c as people get older, their bodies rather become shorter b/c of the lack of calcium, and this also depends on your child's diet, there are many factors that count, the best way to find this out is wait 10 years and see how tall your son would be then, but still there is a test that i foung on google, that can help you find this out, but, i could not find it , so you would have to do some digging

  3. You have to know how tall they were at 3 years old and double it. That will give you their adult height, in general.  

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