
If my tax dollars are going to faith based charities?

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and those dollars are paying for food, clothing, etc, isn't that socialism and welfare disguised as a charity? What's the difference? It's tax dollars going to other people who would normally be called "welfare moms". It's not the churches money, it's tax payer's money.




  1. Agreed. No more federal handouts of other peoples money.

  2. Charity is the free giving of money or goods to those you feel are in need.

    Welfare is the taking of your money to be distributed amongst those the government feels is in need.

    The whole issue is free choice.  I can choose to be charitable, or not.  I cannot choose to opt out of contributing to welfare, however.  If the money is taken in the form of taxes then it is not freely given, and even if that money is then turned over to a private charity it is still welfare.  Oh, and republicans give more to charity than democrats.  They just like to choose which charity helps support the needy.

  3. There is no difference.  The government taking our dollars for distribution to other people is socialistic.  However, the faith based organizations are generally much more efficient at delivering these services than the bloated government is..

  4. Hey, good one.  I like this.

  5. There is nothing wrong with helping someone get on their feet.  Their is something wrong with letting them stay on their rear.

  6. Taxpayer money should not go to fund ignorance and superstition. It most certainly should not go to any organization that spreads such stupidity.  If their imaginary god is so powerful, then let him pay their bills.

  7. Then why are tax dollars going to orgainzations like planned parenthood?  There is no difference, is that not socialism and charity disguised as welfare.  How about public housing, that is definitely tax dollars going to reward laziness for sure.  Why is tax dollars being used to pay people's car insurance and make car repairs?  Why is tax dollars being used to provide transportation for people who are too lazy too work?  Shall we even dare to mention food stamps, WIC, and the countless other programs?  I am opposed to my tax dollar going to any of the above mentioned but I have no choice in the matter.

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