
If my tax has been assessed what does this mean?

by  |  earlier

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?? what does this mean, i still have not recieved the money?




  1. It means just that- that the Taxation Office has looked at your income tax return and made an assessment ( a decision about how much your tax liability is). In Australia, when you have submitted your income tax return, you receive a notification from the Australian Taxation Office which is their assessment of your return, with any changes they may have made. If you were entitled to a refund the refund cheque would have been attached to that assessment. If there was tax owing by you the attached request for payment would be attached to that assessment. If your liability for tax was exactly equal to the amount of tax paid, this would have been indicated in that assessment and you need do nothing.

    What exactly did your notice of assessment state? Read it again carefully. Has it stated that you are entitled to a refund? Has it asked you to pay anything? If so you had better do that immediately.

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