
If my taxable income is less than my mortgage interest can the remaining amount dedcuted in the next tax year?

by  |  earlier

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part of my income this year is tax free. But from next year all my income will be taxable.




  1. No.  Itemized interest cannot be carried to another year.

    If you have any money sitting in an IRA, this would be prime time to roll some of it to a Roth....

  2. No, you can only deduct the interest in the year it's paid.

  3. Mortgage interest is deductible only in the year paid.  

    You might be able to pay two years of real estate taxes in 2009, plus an extra month of mortgage interest (pay January 2010 interest in December 2009).

  4. no.

    each year is its own tax entity. there are some deductions that do pass to the following years until they are used up, but mortgage interest is not one of them.

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