
If my wife works for the competition is there a conflict of interest?

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I work as a project manager in the finance department of a large life insurance company and can get access to sensitive information.

My wife is just about to start working for an even larger life insurance company as a secretary in the executive office and will be working for 3 regional vp's and she has been told that she may have to be discreet with certain information that comes across her desk.

Would there be a perception of 'conflict of interest'?




  1. It could be seen as a sort of 'conflict of interest'.  You and your wife will have to be careful of what you divulge to each other regarding your work.  You probably can not keep this situation under wraps as either your company or her company will eventually find out the situation.  The best thing would be to speak to your boss and/or HR, and have your wife speak to talk to her boss and/or HR, and explain the situation.  If your company finds out from someone other that you, you will be seen as trying to hide the situation - which would be a bad thing impression-wise.

    Once this is out in the open, I would think that it would not be a big issue at all.

    Good luck

  2. yes indeed.

    there is a huge potential for fraud and everything else.

    your best bet would be to make it public knowledge to avoid future problems because you did not disclose

  3. there certaintly would be.  Her employer and yours are unaware of the spouses employer?

    Keep it hush.

    Do take a look at the long-term...were you planning on retiring from current company?  If so- how will you deal with the inevitable discovery of her company and/or how will your employer realistically react?  If not, maybe it is time to begin looking in the direction you wanted to head in and begin making that transition.

  4. YESSS!!! Have you seen Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They're working for opposite sides and are trying to kill each other!!! My guess is that your husband is trying to kill you. Keep one eye open at night. He will probably feast on your entrails...

    Tupac Lives

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