
If national health care has failed everyhwere?

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why do so many countries still have it?

ive lived in the uk and now in australia and never had private health cover.

dont get me wrong theres stuff that needs fixing. however we dont wait 3 weeks to see a doctor as some people would have you believe. if i ring a doctor in the morning i can usually see him by the early afternoon. also the time i injured myself at work and had to have surgery the hospital was great and looked after me just fine. this is the case with many people i know. so why are there so many people (who in most cases havent experienced it first hand) who think it has failed everywhere?




  1. Well I pay a ripe juicy $845 per month for medical care insurance,

    Now you pay in and I will take the $845 per month sell

    my 1998 Rodeo and lease an $85,000 machine

  2. People believe it is unworkable because insurance companies and private health care institutions have spent a lot of money to market their case that socialized health care is unworkable.

    The same people who argue that socialized health care is a stupid idea are also the same people who will tell you that Coors Light is actually a good beer.

  3. that's why we need to privatize it!

  4. The Republicans are selfish, ME ME ME ONLY people and don't give a d**n about anyone other then themselves!!!

  5. Because they love big government in those countries. And usually, once big government sinks it's teeth in, it's extremely hard to scale it back or get rid of it. Just take any government agency, program, or tax that was geared toward a specific issue or cause, once that cause/issue has been rectified, the government agency/program/tax continues to exist by either expanding itself to include other things or through misleading information.

    One specific example here in MN. When the metrodome was built, they asked the tax payers to pay for a portion of it's cost through a tax that would only last as long as the debt existed. The debt is long gone, yet the tax is still there. This is just one of thousands of examples of how government rarely shrinks.

    Also, answer this, why does the royal family and any other rich celebrity type from the UK, Europe, Canada, etc, come to the US or go to other privately run health care facilities if socialized medicine is so great?

    Edit: i don't know anyone paying $500-$900 per month, unless they have serious health problems, but then it's their problem, not the rest of the populations. The whole reason our health care is so expensive is because of government intervention, regulations and mandates. The government is the #1 consumer of health care and consumes about 60% of the market. Plus legislation from the 1960's gave HMO's infinite power and made it so only businesses could get tax free health care money, while the individual could not. Plus we cannot shop for health insurance across state lines, but we can for car insurance. The government has no cost accountability, they see a high bill and just pay it. An individual sees a high bill and they shop around for a lower price. It called market discipline and the government has none.

    Lastly, we have A LOT more people than UK. We have over 300 million while you have about 61 million. HUGE DIFFERENCE!

  6. It's because they are ignorant & uninformed.

  7. Your answer lies in Plato's alegory of the cave.

  8. If it has failed everywhere, why has no country gone to a private system like the United States has today? No other country would scrap their system to have what we have in the US where 40 million people have no health coverage.

  9. n o it has not failed in any country but  ' england ' BUT THIS IS NO SURPRISE anyone which supports  a whole tribe of lazy leeches  ( the royals  )  has no brain to handle the important task of healthcare  

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