
If neo-cons didn't listen to Rush or Hannity for one week, would their comments on YA dry up?

by Guest33173  |  earlier

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Or would they have to come up with an original thought of their own?




  1. Let me re-ask the same question.....

    WITHOUT the conservative voice..... WHERE would you EVER hear the 2nd side of liberal issues?

    Surely not the Liberal-Biased mass media!

  2. I do not listen exclusively to Rush or Hannity.  I also listen to NPR daily, MSNBC (not as often, yikes they hurt my ears) and CNN.  I also watch FoxNews.

    I am a former Democrat Activist, now Republican.

  3. Oh for sure!

  4. I rarely listen to either of them. The silliness of the far-left provides me with all the inspiration I need.

  5. Yes.  Their programming would go to an emergency back up subroutine that would have them watching fox news 24/7.

  6. You get points for not confusing neo-cons with conservatives. Thank you.

  7. Not at all -- were educated and by the way, there is no such thing as a NeoLib or a Neocon.  There is Liberalism and Conservatism.  They are what they are and policy either is ot isn't.

  8. They really are clueless to how much these people are using them. You question made me wonder why someone doesn't do a movie like Michael Moore to show these people the truth about Fox News. I didn't know until recently that Rupert Murdock bought Newt Gingrich so laws could be changed in his favor. He owns the republicans. The people who watch Fox do not have the ability to discern the way others do & this has to show up in their live outside of just politics. They have to be taken advantage of in many ways. I think they are addicted to the drama & might go through a dry time & either go back or go on to an authentic life.

  9. absolutely.

  10. Well, at least cons actually listen to people. What do liberals listen to, other to themselves complaining about things they dont understand?

  11. They end up having to debate the issues at hand and look awful doing so.

  12. I like how GML is so busy with his work and family, yet he's got lots of time to spend on here.

  13. I'm sure they'd still try something incoherent.

  14. I don't think they would be able to make comments at all or what number to set their sleepmaster matress to.

  15. LOL. Good point. Not sure they could come with the original thought of their own, though

  16. Thinking? On their OWN?

    This CANNOT BE!  

  17. Well, I work during the days and spend my evenings with my family (I don't have cabel or even basic tv and the radio reception is terrible in my house because of where I live) so access to Rush, Hannity, or anyone else is not frequent.  According to you, I am a neo-con, but I educate myself about issues and have been following the career of both candidates longer than they have been running for the office of POTUS.

  18. I don't listen to either of them.  Guess that leaves this conservative out. :)

  19. Could be.  Certainly the lefties would be lost without Keith Olberman.

  20. Don't forget Laura Ingrahm...

  21. Havnt listened to either in a long time. so, no. wed still pwn your face on Y!A

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