
If newspapers are objective, why do they print editorials?

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I'm not being difficult. I work at a newspaper and I find when people call to complain about the editorial, they don't make reasoned arguments, they just complain that the paper is biased or they shouldn't be expressing an opinion at all. Also they take offense to it not being signed.




  1. I've always had trouble with that aspect of the business, particularly when it comes to endorsing candidates.

    My stock answer is: tradition. Newspapers have always tried to make their community a bit better by pointing the way.  

  2. because newspapers are a business, and not so objective...

  3. And what makes you think newspapers are objective, because they say they are?

  4. An editorial stance is a tradition that goes way back to the 18th & 19th centuries when Whig and Tory newspaper editors & contributors insulted each other in a way we would find unacceptable even today. In 1821 in a field near Hampstead, London, an editor called John Scott was killed in a duel by a rival called Jonathan Christie who was subsequently acquitted of murder.

  5. You know papers get all kinds of people  and they complain about anything on any given day. You expect reasoned arguements? From the public???? Most don't read well let alone comprehend what they read most of the time. Most newspapers are written between a sixth and eighth grade reading level . They had to lower it , it used to be high school because the readership couldn't comprehend what was being written. That's how we got papers like the Sun and USA Today, more piictures, fewer big words. Nothing too heavy to have to think about.

    Well actually if they read the mast head they'll know who the managing editor is and the publisher and if they read the paper with any kind of frequency , they'll get to know the reporters who make up the editorial board.

    Ben Franklin started it with his papers and pamphlets making statements , papers have had editorials and op ed pieces ever since.

  6. The editorial has a long tradition of being the "institutional" voice of the publication that's why it is unsigned. The next time an irate reader complains of bias, why not invite then to contribute to balanced coverage by writing a letter to the editor?

  7. Er...they're NOT objective! They're about as "fair and balanced" as Fox News!

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