
If niqab is sunnah according to Saudis, why do Saudi women on Saudi TV wear make up and no niqab at all?

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If niqab is sunnah according to Saudis, why do Saudi women on Saudi TV wear make up and no niqab at all?




  1. Ulema say strong recommended or waajib, but the goverment want to show that they are not against Western thoughts...

    The sister that wears niqaab has a feeling of not wanting to come on the Television, as i may speak about myself also.

    Have you ever been in Riyadh? Even in Jeddah? You can see a living that is filled up with haraam, Alcohol, Drugs, Prostition, g*y, Murder, Rape everyone that feels a outcast moves to these places.. Who starts with niqaab, if there aqeedah isn't right? Those women on the television are for me a shame, but they want it by themself, populair on television, we say nafs (your ownself)....

  2. I know that but I think they are not saudi women but from Lebeonan and Yemen.

  3. Are u looking for logic?

    u will not get it here.

  4. ??????????????????????????

    realy y?

    i think bcz Sudy havent true religion they r Wahabi not muslems.

  5. The position of many of the Ulemaa in Saudia, such as Shaykh Hamood at-Tuwayjiree rahimahullaah and Ibn baaz and Ibn Uthyameen and other than them is that the Niqaab is Waajib based on one of the definitions of the word Khimaar which was mentioned by a group of the Sahaabah and this can be found in the Tafaaseer of Ibn Katheer and Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree.

    However "according to saudis" is a faulty statement.

    Not everyone follows the Sunnah in Saudia. Not everyone in Saudia is salafee, in fact that number is fewer.

    The Fataawa of the scholars are there, but some people do not implement and abide by the sunnah.

    This is what happens when there is no tarbiyyah in the homes and the people are disconnected from the scholars

  6. lol, it is not sunnah to put make up, but i think they didn't follow it!!

  7. They do not follow sunnah. Simple!!

    and what made you to think that saudi rulers always listen to scholars?

  8. The tv announcers and programmes are not following the rules.most programmes they get/buy from egypt.

  9. Several people have tried to point out that it's because the shows are imported or the people are from other places, but I watch Suadi TV nearly every day, and....

    most of the shows I watch are Saudi produced shows. The talk shows feature Saudi hosts, and the dramas, while including some actors from other countries, are predominately Saudi as well.

    The important thing here is that contrary to popular belief, niqab is not required by law in Saudi Arabia.  Firstly, there is not just one set of laws that governs the whole of Saudi Arabia. Different areas have their own sets of laws.

    Secondly, it is only a scarf and abaya that a required in most areas, not a veil or niqab.

    Thirdly, not all Muslims in Saudi are of the same sect and follow the same sets of beliefs. Many Muslim women wear makeup with hijab, but you have to wash it off for prayer, and makeup or perfume should not be worn to mosque. On the other hand, many have much more conservative beliefs and think it is haram to do anything to beautify yourself except in the presence of your husband. Many of them also choose to wear niqab.

    Finally, the phrase "it is sunnah" means different things to different Muslims. Some interpret it to mean "required" or "obligatory,

    while to others it means simply "recommended," "preferred" or "traditional."

    BTW, Saudi does not have the highest population of Shia as stated in another answer. Worldwide, Iran is first in population, followed by Pakistan. For the Arab countries, Iraq has the highest population of Shia at over 60%, Lebanon has over 40%, and Bahrain has a fairly high percentage that I don't recall at the moment -- maybe around 30 something.  SA has a population of about 15%, as does the UAE.

  10. If drinking wine is haram then why some Muslims drink it?


  11. not all people who live in saudi arabia are muslims and if the station is owned and operated by a western company they don't follow islam or any of it's rulings,not to mention the saudi family has many dealings w/ the west so they value money of religion anyway. not to mention not all muslims follow the sunnah.

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