
If not fatal, what happens when one is bitten by a black widow, brown recluse, or hobo spider?

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I found a black widow and was wondering what to do with it.




  1. I was bit by a Brown Recluse and found this web site very helpful:

  2. Black widow bites usually cause painful muscle contractions and spasms. It's rare someone dies from it, actually. Brown Recluse causes tissue death in an area of 2-4 inches around the bite. It's gross, it's painful and usually requires removing the tissue outside of the affected area. the hobo i'm not too educated on, sorry.

  3. Black widow - Only about 5% of *reported* cases result in a fatality. Most cases have complications involved. Many cases do not even require medical attention or antivenom. Black widows have a neurotoxin, which attacks the nervous system. The reaction depends on the person, how big the spider was, whether or not it was a "dry bite" where no venom was injected, and age and general health of the person. Symptoms usualy include bad abdominal cramps, dizzyness, swelling and stinging around the bite location, fever, and cramps. In the absolute worse cases, coma or death can result.

    Brown recluse - These spiders have a necrotoxin, which attacks the tissues around the bite location. There is a lot of misconception and myths about this spider and the potency of it's bite, so I am going to stick to the facts. This species was originally brought in from South America accidently in cargo, and spread through the south central part of the United States. There are cases of this happening again through parts of the U.S., but they are not common, despite all the bite claims from across the continent. Again, reaction varies with cercumstances, but most commonly bites result in little pain or feeling for the first few hours. After a while a little red mark forms, like a mosquito bite, but after a couple days it forms a puss filled "volcano", that tends to burst and die. The result wounds are basically holes in the skin that take months to fully heal. There are plenty of pictures of brown recluse bite wounds on the net, but I remain skeptical about them.

    Hobo spider - Also has a necrotoxin, but is not as potent as the brown recluse. Little else is known as fact about how potent the venom is. A lot of necrotic bites gets blamed on the hobo spider but the tests are inconclusive about the potency of the venom.

    About your black widow; I have heard of people keeping widows as pets. I have heard of people handling those pets too. I personally would not go that far quite yet, but I am not going to call them crazy. If you want more info on keeping cobweb spiders, black widows included, let me know.

  4. If you are ever bitten by a black widow spider.Go to the hospital right away.These are one of the most poisonous spiders and it can result in a fatality.

    Brown recluse bites are to be cared for right away at the hospital.These bites cause severe pain and tissue damage.I have seen victims who have had to get tissue around area removed.

    Stay away from the black widow and brown recluse.

    I don't know anything about the hobo spider.Its my first time hearing about the hobo spider.

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