
If nurses are to be rated on how smiley they are what are other professions to be judged on?

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If nurses are to be rated on how smiley they are what are other professions to be judged on?




  1. Funeral directors how sad..?

    Hairdessers - what their hair looks like?

    Doctors - how healthy they look?

  2. I think this is really stupid, nurses are there to help patch people up and look after sick people.  They are not waiters or even work in the public service industry.

    i would certainly never complain if i needed a nurse and she/he didnt smile.

  3. how dark it was

  4. City workers on how well they can sleep while looking like they are actually working?

  5. The Receptionists in doctors surgeries - see how much they smile as they tell you there are no appointments left for the week.   Also dentists' receptionists, they give you brilliant smiles as they take your money for 2 minutes in the chair.

  6. Policemen... How big their night sticks are.

    Firemen... How long their hoses are.

  7. I consider it part of a nurse's job to be cordial and pleasant.  If you call that "smiley" so be it.

  8. Estate Agents - For how honest they are.

    Bookshop workers - For how well read they are.

    Bank workers - For how good they are at saving.

    Binmen - For how dirty they are.

    Cleaners - For how good is their personal hygiene.

  9. C Ronalado is going to be judged on how far he dives over a blade of grass and how many crocodile tears he can shed in four matches. Betting at the moment is that he will be crying over something within ten minutes of the first match starting.

  10. Accountants - how fat and podgy they are.

  11. Politicians on what liers they are,

  12. Politicians - How dishonest they are!

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