
If obama can't stop his supporters from making vicious comments abt palins daughter?

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how is he going to stop russia if they bomb georgia again or iran if they insult the us verbally and threaten aggression




  1. He can't. He is an empty suit.

  2.   He nor McCain can control what all their supporters do and say in a free country.  You don't lose your right to think and speak independently because you intend to support or vote for someone--not in this country--yet.

  3. ha, ha that's a very funny comparison and kinda "out there" don't you think?

    We supporters are not some foreign country with bombs, we are your fellow citizens trying to convince you not to steer us into another 4 years of economic disaster and war.

  4. Let me get this straight.  You have the nerve to ask what another President is going to do if Russia bompbs Georgia?  How could he possibly do less than George Bush?

  5. thats a stupid question. its not obama's place to stop people from talking about palins daughter shame on palin for putting her daughter in the position of being talked about. palin should have said ty but no ty to mccains offer for the simple fact that she had to have known the circus that would be made of her daughters pregnancy the minute the media got ahold of it. her daughter should have been her main priority not running for vp. so much for family values cuz it seems she values her career over the well being of her child.  

  6. First of all, there's free speech. that's what democracy and fredom based on. So i can say anything i want whenever i want in my country.

    Second, Georgia started the whole mess in the first place. They had a treaty of non aggression with russia concerning the respective provinces and they broke it, bombing South Osetia . Even the puppet driven FOX channel had to hear about it, even though they didn't like it. Check this link:

    Now, if a country protected by the US would be bombed, wouldn't you do the same thing and defend her? What are the Russians doing wrong? There we're and are a lot of russians living in Abhazia and South Osetia, so they needed protection.

    Now, as for you first question, my whole post here can be read because "freedom of speech", because democracy. There's no real relation between obamas suporters and the georgian conflict.

  7. Please substitute the name "McCain" for "Obama," and the phrase "Michelle Obama" for "Palin's daughter."  Doesn't make sense then either, does it?  

  8. Obama is coming to the end of his reign of terror..soon he will be out in Michigan Ave..walking up and down the *miracle mile* asking for Alms for the love of Allah..

    but Obama may or may not win in November but if he wins it will not be

    a good time for him or the Democan't party as this country is going full mode into WW III and a Depression.

  9. He doesn't have to control his supporters, most are already in control.  I have seen practically no comments or negative judgments about Palin's daughter either here or on the media. Discussions of Sarah, yes, but it's mostly McCain supporters bringing the daughter into the Q&As here. Obama can get bashed and degraded here for months but Republicans can't take a day of putting Palin under the microscope? Unreal.

  10. All of the attacks on Sarah Palin are carefully designed to create sympathy for her. They crucified Hillary during the primaries, and now they're doing it to Sarah Palin. Interesting strategy. It's irritating many women voters who are now going to support the McCain ticket for that very reason. I hope they keep it up. It's working!

  11. Take my word for it, I am NO Obama supporter!

    But in this case, I don't think it's right to compare what his supporters do, to what Russia does.

    If his supporters don't listen to him about Palin, then someone's feelings get hurt.  

    But if Russia doesn't listen to the president, and bombs Georgia, people die.

    Big difference.


  12. Why would it be Obama or anyone's responsibility to silence the public?

  13. He can't.  He won't.  He's done!!!

  14. Yeah...that is comparable.

    The funny thing is that this is about the level of intelligence I've come to expect from McCain supporters.  

  15. What an awful analogy ....

    Obama attracts all kinds ... as does McCain ... there are all kinds that do not represent their platforms ... but the crazies find something to cling to ... so how do the candidates "control" them .... not going to happen ....

  16. Easy.

    he will ask you.

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