
If obama loses the election? who do u think he'll choose as the scapegoat?

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a) HRC

b) the republicans

c) the "racists" who didn't vote for him

d) Fox news

e) Sean Hannity

or all of the above




  1. All of the above.

    He already blamed Hillary for dividing the democratic party when he was the one that did the dividing and then called all of the Hillary supporters "uneducated racists".  I can't wait for him to lose.  He's promised "racial riots across this country if he isn't elected".  The town where I live would use that as a good reason for target practice.  They don't just arrest them like the arrested all those 130 democratic protesters at the RNC.

    McCain IS our new president.

  2. Hillary

  3. no, he will blame Hilary!!!

  4. All of the above.

  5. First thought that came to my mind was Hillary.

  6. You left out Whitey



    He won't lose. Get used to "President Obama."

  8. It will all be George Bush's fault of course, like everything else.

  9. All of the above and more.....

  10. Hillary and racism.

  11. Conspicuously absent from your list is Obama himself.  I guess taking responsibility would never even occur to him.  

  12. f) Neither.

    Proof: Who did he choose as a scapegoat in the primaries he lost?

    Answer: NO ONE


  13. Sean Hannity's pinball flipper eyebrows.  

  14. all of the above, but mostly Hillary!!!

  15. C

  16. he will call the voters racist. He WILL blame everyone but himself, which is where the blame should lie

  17. The Clinton's

  18. c and d

  19. maybe if you listened more and talked less you'd know that he's very good at understanding where fault lies and where it does not. It's your current golden boy GWB who has extensively used scapegoats to avoid accountability.

    The bigger question will be who will we blame when McCain's ignorance and arrogance prompts a Russian assault on our soil that would have been diplomatically diffused under an Obama Admin.

  20. I'm sure "HE" won't make excuses... But you can bet the bank his followers will.

    And you better believe it will most definately be C.

  21. F) bitter, small town folk that cling to their guns and bibles.

  22. He does not have to worry about losing - thanks to sarah palin.

    Go Obama '08.

  23. obama may bow out gracefully, his supporters on the other hand ....  

  24. Just a guess but I would say middle age white women who once supported Hillary Clinton.

  25. He won't look for scapegoats.  He'll bow out gracefully.  Since when has it been in his character to do something like that? Give examples.  You're the racist.

  26. probably Florida and there fixed votes

    remember 2000???

    bushes little brother?  

  27. A little of all but mostly C.

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