
If obama tried to kiss Sarah Palin on the lips like biden's wife, would he be eating thru a straw for a while?

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  1. Nah that'd be Sarah drinking through a straw -- McCain doesn't have a great track record with female counterparts.

    POW right in the kisser.

  2. Don't see a problem! Laura doesn't seem to mind McCain's lips constantly placed squarely on Dubya's a**!

  3. how old are you!!

  4. Are you saying that the Nigro's after your white women???

  5. Sarah Palin is a stranger.  Obama wouldn't try to kiss her.  He would never be so crass.

  6. No Sarah would be having a sixth baby because everyone knows she doesn't mind doing the deed!!!

  7. I still cant believe Bidens Wife let him!

  8. You better believe it.  

    What with the democrats and kissing at conventions, was Obama trying to follow up on Gore but got the wrong wife to kiss?

  9. Yes. I can't believe Obama did that!

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