
If obama was blue would people still vote for him?????

by  |  earlier

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who cares if hes black.....??????




  1. Of Course

  2. The same people who care if he is black are the same ones who wont vote for a women, bye bye mccain

  3. exactly only the southern hicks care about his race o yea and republicans do too

  4. If he was blue he would be a smurf but he would still be a liberal left-wing socialist.  So no, he wouldn't get my vote.

  5. Be he black or white or yellow or your blue, his problem is he is to green .

  6. i dont really know

  7. yes, it's just a color.  

  8. I'd still vote for him.

    I think he has the potential of making America a better place.

  9. No, his lips are blue and that does it for me.

    And almost every black person in the country cares that he is black. At least 90+%.

  10. I wouldn't vote for him if he was paisley. It's not his race. It's his socialist agenda.  

  11. I know I wouldn't - that would mean he's not getting enough oxygen and that he would soon die...

  12. Color dos not matter it's substance which he has none.  Palin is more experienced than Obama and I must say that doesn't say much.

  13. no, I would not vote for some blue freak. I do not vote for people based on the color of their skin, however , if one were blue, I'd make an exception

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