
If objects have been known to fly around rooms and move on their own, why has local news not documented it?

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I hear people say that after using Ouija boards things fly off shelves or they have a ghost and things move on their own and some paranormal teams claim to have documented such, but if these things really do happen, it seems it would be more logical to have your local news channel to document it.




  1. there was a documented on it.

    and the local news thought it was a joke so they went to the same house and got the pants scare off.

    the  documented was on SCi Fi check it out on YOUTUBE

    also check out the Maury show on youtube about ghosts on tape.

    real creepy. u have to understand we live in a brain washworld where only the rich and powerful knows the truth.

    The truth is hidden to control people more easy

  2. well "documented" is another word for recording what actually happened - a kind of proof

    Media has not documented these things because nobody else has, either. Lots of people have SAID they SAW something but few attempts have ever been made even by these people themselves to film it. Most of the few attempts tofilm ghosts etc have been failures.

  3. actually, although I have no specific references offhand, I can think of two cases where the local news did document such things. Of course they turned out to be hoaxes, but I guess that could be expected.

  4. Of course the correct answer is because these things didn't actually happen.  

    What's kind of funny is how some people say that something "flew across the room!" like it was something out of Harry Potter. If you question them about it and drill down to what was actually heard and observed, it's usually the case that the object was on a shelf or similar, and they didn't see it fall, but then they heard something and looked down and saw it come to a rest a small distance away on the floor. Their conclusion?  It didn't simply fall off the shelf and roll or slide across the floor, but instead it "flew" through the air. That says a little a bit about accepting anecdotal tales of hauntings at face value.

  5. news teams tend to only want to cover such stories around the time of Halloween and then only for ratings.  Unfortunately, they don't always get it right when they do cover it.  I know of an incident this past year where one team of investigators was contacted by a newsroom and went out on a hunt with them.  When no evidence was revealed to them, they actually went onto another groups sight that did have evidence and used it for footage.  So it begs the question...who is being dishonest in that case????

    You can report it to news agencies, but they are not likely to believe you.  

    Another problem is that a lot of cases are from private owners who do not want the publicity.  Any team that goes in must go in discreetly and should never reveal names addresses that could identify the home or property or homeowner.  So naturally, you would not alert your local news.

  6. I think because is not real

  7. Ghosts /spirits what ever, don't perform on queue. The only way they could capture it is if they were there right at the time of the activity and unfortunately for we that are serious investigators, there has been hoaxes. Most the the information that the media gets is after the fact and, yes it has been documented by different research groups all over the world. Most people,narrow minded, outside of the paranormal community have a preconceived notion that it is all hog wash. As an investigator I have debunked this activity in my life but, believe me, it's not all fake.

  8. Because of lack of evidence to prove that those events had actually happened. In reality, said occurrences never really happened in the real or physical world but only in the mind of the person or persons directly involved in such occurrences. It is an important thing to note that when we are dealing with beings of paranormal origin, everything happens not in our real world but in the spiritual plane linked to our subconscious level.

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