
If oil is not put in a car for 6 months is this enough time for the engine to blowup from lack of maintenance?

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How long would it take for a vehicle to not have an oil change before it can completely blow up?




  1. as long as you engine has the proper level of oil it wont blow up but the engine wont last long change your oil every 3k miles or 3 months

  2. Its really not a big deal as long as you have ENOUGH  oil in it. I have been a mechanic, in industrial maintenance, and owned my own shop. I haven''t changed my oil in my newer pickup for 2 years. I just changed it recently. as long as there is plenty of it in there  so it will pick it up and sling it thru to the correct places to lubricate, it will be ok. I am not advocating never changing oil! I just never had time and knew it wasn't high on my list. I had plenty of time to do it when I got around to it. You should change your oil every 2-3 thousand miles if possible.

  3. well we had a datsun we drove in the woods we drove for seven years or more and only added oil never changes it... but if you drive one with out oil they dont last to long.. .6 months no really unless it didnt have any oil then yes.. they blow up from lack of oil or water... they die early from lack of care

  4. if it uses oil and you don't add anything to it yes 6 months is plenty of time for the engine to go bad or blow up,actually 5 minutes with low oil pressure will do one in,a lot of this is going to depend on the engine,and how good of shape its in ,good luck.

  5. My Audi and Civic don't burn one drop of oil

    I can easily go 1 year without needing to ADD oil.  


    But many crappy old cars would need oil added by the day.

    Good luck...

  6. IT all depends on whether the car uses oil or not. If it burns a lot of oil, and the oil level gets too low, it could blow any time. If it doesn't use any oil, it could go on for a long time. I've known people who owned a car for 10 years and never changed the oil, they just added when it was low. It smoked real bad and if you ever changed the oil, it would use the oil real fast.  

  7. This is just idle speculation.  

    If the engine wrecked some bearings as a result of lack of lubrication, this would be VERY OBVIOUS to a mechanic, and if the car has been to some mechanics, why don't you ask them?

    To answer your question, basically no and never.  You don't blow up the engine from lack of lubrication because the oil gets dirty.  You blow it up when the oil is gone.

    P.S. Engines don't "completely blow up. "  That's silly. Talk sense.

  8. If your wanting to blow your motor up,just drain the oil out and start it up and waitand you will know how long it take's to blow one up. The only way your going to blow one up without a oil change is if it gets so dirty that it cloggs the oil pump up.

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