
If one's breath smells like spoiled milk/rotted cheese, would it be wise to eliminate all dairy?

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Dairy seems the most obvious culprit, since the breath smells of spoiled milk/rotted cheese Does that also mean eliminating breads, pastas, etc?




  1. this ? made me throw up in my mouth.

    i would start with cutting out all dairy.  

    mix in a tooth brush and good luck

  2. no some dairy products are good for you just try not to drink or eat them all the time and make sure its not spoiled or rotten wen ur eating it or u can get bad breath or u can even get sick n I'm pretty sure you don't want that to happen

  3. No, the first thing you need is a dental check-up, and then you need to follow up with your family physician.  There are any number of diseases that cause bad breath - gum diseases, infections of the salivary glands, sinus infections, tonsil infections, respiratory infections, stomach diseases.

    A smell of rotted cheese on your breath could be a gum disease, or it could be something like thrush, which is a fungal infection of the mouth and throat.  

    Get a dental and medical evaluation before you assume that food is the culprit.  It could be the problem, but it might be some other food that's causing the odor.

  4. Yes they should, they should also brush and rinse with listerine.

  5. i doubt that is the cause, you probably have some other condition.

  6. no make sure you brush your teeth thorough and don't forget to brush the gums and tongue.  Brushing your tongue is just as important as brushing your teeth.  get a toothpaste the has baking soda in it (that works as a neutralizer) also...don't forget to floss and get all that rotten food out of your teeth.  Plus a good rinse is needed as well.

  7. no. it could mean there is a rotten tooth somewhere in there or a root canal that needs to be completed...a cap etc. or wisdom teeth that have partially erupted can also cause that type of breath because food stays stuck in between the tooth and the gum causing bad breath. i have milk breath too! i also need lots of dental work. rinse more often drink more water pick in between the teeth floss

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