
If one country were to rule the world, which could do it best?

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In case your choice is a crappy pacifist country, pick a major country too.




  1. Switzerland, they're neutral

  2. I dont know why so many people are saying England, I live here and I know we cant even run our own country properly, let alone the entire world. A country going into recession probably isnt the best choice, especially when at the same time the government have given themselves a pay rise. That's all they need, more power by ruling the world.

  3. Switzerland.


    New Zealand.

    one of those would be best i think.

    i just read above answers and i agree that Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland could be considered.

    Also the UK managed to rule 1/3 of the world for a pretty long time fairly well. They might be able to do it again, but not with the government we have at the moment.

  4. Canada.

    Or Latveria ;)

  5. Any Scanwegian country.

    Or Ireland.

  6. Germany

  7. the country were Amsterdam is

  8. The one that has been protecting most of the world, the USA.

  9. Denmark

  10. The Democratic Republic of Congo.

  11. And this question answers itself!

    There's been many countries put forward - the good, bad and the mad.

    And does anyone agree? No.

    That's why no one country can rule.

  12. Candy Land!  It's the sweetest option.

  13. Bangladesh lol

  14. The glorious UK

  15. England,

  16. It would never happen as the world is full of rebels who would never accept other rules.


    land of the tartan army and bravehearts

  18. Any Scandinavian country would make a good job of it.

    They run their countries well without any major problems or conflicts.

  19. Jamaica

  20. France because they look after their own, or Switzerland because they are pacifist and operate through cantons.

  21. I would like to say UK, but unfortunately the country itself is going to the dogs.

  22. Saudi Arabia. They'll get rid of all the feminist b!tches.


    "The one that has been protecting most of the world, the USA."

    Then who's gonna protect us from the USA?

  23. Canary Island, goods people.

  24. You should think about Japan who has already got a good control on European and American Industries.

  25. Although i am Aussie we would do great but the fact is were a ally country not a ruling country

    Not America......... Pigs

    Probably U.K yeh U.K.

  26. I would prefer to live under the elected government of my own country. Everything else enforced by the guns of domestic goons or foreign empire builders would be a hated dictatorship.

    Bloo, how about telling us which nation you would like to invade and rule YOUR country?

  27. Sorry, there are no ideal countries & if one ruled the world, human nature & power would arise & stuff it all up.

    New Zealand & Norway are good countries, but neither could rule the world.

  28. The UK we have had a lot of experiance in doing so at one point we owned 1/3 of the world the largest empire yet according to my knowledge. Correct me if im wrong.

  29. Denmark


  30. China. They have the most experience of large populations and great land masses.

  31. I think one of the Scandanavian countries. Norway, Sweden or Denmark. They consistently appear in the top 10 countries to live in year after year.

    Good health care, good economy, peace...

    Or Canada.

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