
If one credit bureau deletes items off my credit report, do the other bureaus have to as well?

by Guest56221  |  earlier

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I recently disputed items on my credit report with all 3 credit bureaus. Equifax came back and deleted 4 of the 10 items. I just received TransUnions response and they have deleted 10 out of the 12 disputes. TU deleted some items that Equifax verified which is great! Is Equifax and Experian now obligated to deleted those items or worse, will TU put those items back on my report since Equifax verified them? If nothing happens that's okay, at least my credit score went up 72 points with TU. Hopefully soon the others will follow. Thanks!




  1. Well you need to dispute the items with each independent bureau...they don't share info amongst themselves.

    TU cannot put the item back on. Just send a disupute leter to Equifax and Experian too.

  2. I agree with the previous answers. They all work independently but as long as the other bureaus removed the disputed items, all you need to do is write a dispute letter to the bureaus still showing it, enclosing supporting documents from the other bureaus and it will be removed.

  3. I agree with the previous answers, too.

    TU can not put inaccurate or unverified information back on . But if the reported information is later found to be valid, it can be reinserted into your report. In this case you must be given a written notice of the reinsertion.

  4. They are all obligated to report accurate information under the terms of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

    The three credit bureaus are separate companies. They are not obligated to report identical information. Sometimes one bureau can validate info while another can't, so you end up with variations.

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