
If one day, paris hilton come to malaysia, will she meet ah beng? what are malaysian food will paris eat?

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If one day, paris hilton come to malaysia, will she meet ah beng? what are malaysian food will paris eat?




  1. she will eat malaysian salad : ulam with sambal belacan dressings

  2. let her eat durian

  3. For sure "liulian" or DURIAN

  4. she will eat some malaysian SAUSAGE  =D

    if u noe wat im talking about  xD

  5. paris and ah beng will be really good friends!

    paris will like those prison foods from penjara sungai buloh.yummm!

  6. Ah beng going to meet Paris Hilton, he though Paris is Ah seng.

    Ya, let her eat Malaysian's food which is full of fat. She will be so fat, and don't want to show herself in the public. Peace to the world.

  7. She will eat at the Hilton Hotel cause the family owns it.

  8. Give her our noodles - then after she stomaches an entire plate then tell her you just downed a whole plate of chicken/pig/cow intestines. Then see what her reaction is like, snap the pic with ah beng's camera phone - next day place on YouTube. We now have the paparazzi-like infamous version of the next Namewee.

    Paris' IQ level is such that she will buy the above information that she has stomached intestines of an animal.

  9. nasi lemak

  10. who is ah beng and why are you obsessed over him or her

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