
If one day our biodiesel is running out, what other alternative energy or source that we can use?

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can they generate our vehicle same like we use biodiesel now and are they making more worst pollution than biodiesel?




  1. bio-diesel can not run out, it is grown, an agricultural product, if the price is right farmers will produce more and more of it.

    and new sources for bio-diesel will include land agriculture as well as marine aquaculture.

  2. Biodiesel is a renewable fuel, so it will not run out.  Algae is a promising oil feedstock for biodiesel production.  Algae allows you to continuously grow a crop in limited spaces with very high oil yields.  The major problems are extracting the oil from the algae.  

    Also, there's the possibility of using the Fischer-Tropsh method to convert gases to liquid fuels.  This is essentially what n**i Germany did when they ran out of oil in WW2.    Diesel engines are fairly bulletproof and can run on a variety of fuels as long as you can compress the fuel mixture to a achieve the proper ignition temperature.  It's a same the US doesn't have more diesel vehicle options.

    Also, the energy balance for biodiesel is very good, I'm not sure where the fact the energy balance is negative came from.  The U.S. Department of Energy says the balance is for every 1 gallon of fossil fuel consumed around 3 gallons of biodiesel is created.  Also biodiesel can be created from ethanol another renewable fuel.

  3. baked beans

  4. One of the main problems you'll eventually find with biodiesel is that farmers will stop growing food crops so they can grow more profitable crops which will be used for biodiesel.  A case in point (although not biodiesel, but ethanol) happened this past summer when the price of corn shot up due to the massive amounts of corn being used in the production of ethanol...  This actually caused protests in Mexico, because the price of the corn tortillas went up...

    The best option we have for an alternative energy source is solar, because it's a free source of energy.  Unfortunately, we humans haven't figured out how to perfect the generation of energy from the rays of the sun.  

    Oh, one other thing about biodiesel:  The energy balance needs to be such that LESS energy is consumed to produce the biodiesel, than the energy which will be produced by the biodiesel.  Otherwise, it's a ridiculous option.  It would make absolutely no sense to burn five gallons worth of diesel, to produce four gallons of diesel...

  5. Biodiesel is not a good strategy anyway. It demands lots and lots of space which "fight" with space for crops and forest. I think that it would  be better to use eolic energy or geotermic energy. They re clean, not going to run out and not so expensive. Also much more safer than nuclear plants

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