
If one day u meet with God, then the first question will be what ?

by Guest10943  |  earlier

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If one day u meet with God, then the first question will be what ?




  1. what has the world done to get the disasters we have now. are you punishing us???

  2. can i share my existence with you?

  3. who are you?

  4. Where the h**l have you been, man? My world needs you.

  5. did michael jackson really do it?

  6. Why did you not provide more substantial evidence to your existence?

  7. am i dreaming?????

  8. well first id slap him around a bit (you know)

    then id be like "sorry for that"

    then id be thinking about my question and god would say,"yes"

    and then I would start "what...?" and god would say again, "yes".

    So I guess my question would be "what...?"

  9. was i ever truely right about anything?

  10. I dont want some missionary or religious freak.  Can you help me find my way to heaven?

  11. why did u created good &bad

  12. So, this is what/how you are... cool.

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