
If one eye is kinda bad, and the other is really really bad, with correction should I see the same out of both

by  |  earlier

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one of my eyes is like 1.25 and i cant see far away, and my other one is 4.25 and i cant see anything at all, but in that one my vision isnt that great, like before i couldnt see shapes, now i can see shapes but cant make out words. I dont know if its strong enough because with my corrected eye I can see perfect.




  1. Your vision in one eye may not be as good as the other even with corrective lens.  However, if you have any questions by all means call your doctor, because you want it to be as good as possible.

  2. with corrective lenses, you should be able to see out of both eyes the same.  make an appointment with your optometrist to get your eyes examined. it could very well be that the your eye sight has gotten worse, or the corrective lense for that eye isn't strong enough.

  3. well if you only got the one eye done then it should see perfect and the other one would be the same as befor . but if you got them bothe done you should see perfect out of both

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