
If one has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Vocal Music, from Ontario, can this degree be used in other provinces?

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please let me know A.S.A.P!!! its 4 careers




  1. As long as the degree is from an accredited university yo ushould be able to use the degree anywhere.

  2. a degree is a degree, but why would you major in something you can't use. go get your teaching degree cause that is all you can do with a vocal degree. Unless you are going to be like adam sandler in wedding singer and give lessons for meatballs

    DIP S**t

  3. Number one, advice to others, don't be like this person and narrow his career choices by doing a d**n useless course.

    Number two, just become a vocal teacher, that's about as good as it gets with that pile of **** you can a Vocal Music degree

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