
If one more person asks where i got something!?

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ok everyone's always like "omg where did you get those shorts!? they are just TOO cute!"

how do i reply to this if i don't want to tell them where i got my d**n shorts?


oh but how to respond politely and not weird.




  1. You can just say that they were a gift from a relative so you have no idea. They won't press you any further after that!

  2. Smile and say that you got them out of your closet..... Change the subject... end of problem  

  3. Pretend like you don't hear them and completely change the subject to something else.  It is none of their business where you get your clothes.  I do the same thing when someone asks me how much I paid for something.  

  4. It's easier just to say where you bought the admired shorts.  Don't make a big deal out of this, it's not worth it.

  5. Why don't you want to tell them where you got your shorts?  They ask.  You answer.  End of drama.

    I think it is weird you're reacting so strongly about this.  Unless you are willing to lie, I can't think of a way to not answer and not be weird about it.

  6. You'll miss the compliments when they stop princess

  7. "OMG, where'd you get that skirt?!"

    "The store."

    "Which one?"

    "In the mall."

    "Ooh, cool! But which one?"


    *storm off*

    *Girl looks after you, utterly confused and on the verge of tears*

  8. Just make up a different store name.  Easy. You bought them at Target? Say you got them at Aeropostale.  You got them at Abercrombie? Say you got them at Guess.

    No biggie- just give a quick (wrong) answer.  You don't have to be a b*tch about it.

  9. I used to have that problem but people have learned. So consider this scenario:

    Annoying person "OMG! I simply love your bag where did you get it?"

    You " Oh you are just being polite, you can't really like it? I've had it for ages"

    Only the really brave will persue this after you have shunned their fashion sence.

  10. If you don't want to tell them where you got them from just say thanks when they comment on how nice they are and oh I forgot where I got them , they will either think you don't remember or just don't feel like saying where you got it from. Either way it won't be considered rude. Good luck.  :)

  11. Just say thankyou and say they were a gift so you don't know where they were purchased.

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