
If one of my frineds took half a bottle of sleeping pills then a few that overdose?

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If one of my frineds took half a bottle of sleeping pills then a few that overdose?




  1. is this a joke?

    not just an overdose - addiction and suicidal as well! be a dear and get your friend some help.

  2. Call 911 ..

    And seek help !

  3. Yes. YES. Are you ******* kidding me? Get the kid some help, NOW.

  4. Firstly, if this isn't a curiosity question and you know someone that has a suspected overdose, call 911 NOW. If not, read on.

    Okay, noticing your name I really hope it is just for fun and online purposes but if I read your question correctly, it seems that you're asking for the definition of overdosing. All I can tell you is that clinically, an overdosed patient will be sweaty, have a rapid heart rate, may or may not be confused depending on far along they are (typically if a patient is truly overdosed they're non-responsive to everything but the deepest stimuli), breathing is shallow if not absent all together and the heart function is severely imaired. This is why when you hear about overdoses like what took place with Heath Ledger, for example, the patient typically acheives a level of toxicity in the bloodstream, the liver simply cannot filter the blood fast enough and the neural activity in the brain becomes inreasingly dulled and inefficient. Hence, your heart slows to a stop, you stop breathing (typically a person stops breathing first) and then they expire, unfortunately. You've heard the term "He/she just slipped away in their sleep". The truth is that they've slipped into unconciousness and the brain's impulse to tell the area called the pons to initiate breathing just quits so the patient stops breathing and then carbon dioxide levels in the bloodstream rise as the oxygen level decreases (because the person isn't ventilating with air) ,make sense? Then you have a person that is unfortunately deceased.

    What your acquiantance probably acheived (if he or she lived through it) is likely some brain or liver damage. He or she was likely toxic but if they lived through this and didn't need medical treatment then they did not, by clinical presentation, overdose, at least, not in the classic sense.  Playing with pharmaceuticals is a risky business but then again, we all know that. Please avoid it at all costs.

    Hope this helps you :)

  5. Not only is this an overdose, but it is illegal and attempted suicide.  You had better tell a parent, teacher or mature adult right away about your friend.  If this is you that is thinking of taking these please don't.  Nothing is that bad and everything can be fixed.  If it is you or your friend think about this-What may look bad now will be fine with some time.  Trust me.  Death is permanent and you can't undo it.  Think about how lucky you are.  You could have been born as an atom on some other planet in this universe and exist in nothingness.  Or you could have been lucky enough to be born on our planet, but you could have been unlucky and more commonly been born in a third world country starving to death or in a war zone.  But you were born in one of the best nations and you are very lucky.  Honestly, nothing is so bad that you can't fix it and if you want to end your life talk to someone!  Everyone gets sad depressed at some points in life-that's life.  You have to take it as a learning experience and make yourself a better person because of it. Life has ups and downs and if you want the ups you have to find a good way to deal with the downs and get past them and turn them into something good.  We are soo lucky to have the chance to be where we are and who we are, don't throw that away.  You can make yourself anyone you want to be.  It's up to you though-think twice about taking drugs and do something today that will make you a better person tomorrow.

  6. Depends on what half a bottle was, and a few painkillers, but yes, this is likely an overdose, especially of prescription meds.

    Get him/her to a hospital and get them help.


  7. Why on earth would you waste your time and maybe even moments of your friend's life by taking the time to ask this question to people you don't know. It would have been smarter to call poison control than to get an answer online. But, yes it is an overdose. If you take any medication more than the reccommended dose, it is called an overdose. Some a fatal, some aren't. But would you really want to risk your friend's life finding that out. If he doesn't die from it, then he could have severe brain damage.

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