
If one of the chinese gymnasts was proven 14 not 16 why didn't china lose their metals???

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Seriously thats unfair and cheating US deserves those golds (womens gymanstics)




  1. Careful of wording; "alleged" and "proven" are two different things.  The passports say they're 16, and a passport is acceptable documentation.

    Now, the question is whether these passports were forged by the Chinese government.  Their official news agency ran a report in which one of the gymnasts was said to be 13 years old at a competition within the last year.  News agencies make mistakes, it happens...but was it a mistake, or was that the actual number?

    Still, there is no concrete proof yet of anything, not yet.  If there was proof, then yes, they would lose their medals.

    EDIT: I see the article you posted.  Again, almost all "proof" of that consists of news articles, which can't really be considered proof.  Then, there's the team roster for the Chengdu city games, which may have been produced by the government, but is not an official government document.  Nobody has produced a birth certificate, passport, or other hard, irrefutable evidence that shows that she never existed until 1993.

    Still, those documents do raise a great deal of suspicion, and the government response to their discovery (deleting the webpages) is also very suspicious.

    Proven?  No, not quite.  Highly, highly suspicious?  You betcha.  This isn't over yet, and it'll be interesting to see what happens.

  2. Multiple gymnasts were reported underage, not proven underage. CNN has been saying all morning that China provided ample proof to the IOC that all of its participants were of proper age.

  3. Several MAY be underage or not.

    The main reasons it is NOT being pursued are MONEY and POLITICS.

    In MY opinion, the games have degenerated to 'one-upsmanship', just like the USSR used to use "professional" athletes rather than amateurs in previous olympics.

    It is just another case of "mine is better than yours!"

  4. Because Red China produced fake passports for the girls.

    The committe only looks at the passports

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