
If one wished to end one's own life, what would be the most efficient way?

by Guest60535  |  earlier

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Just theoretically, if I decided that life was no longer worth living and all that I could see in front of me was a gaping chasm of despair and gloom from which I knew no good could ever come, what would be a quick and easy method of ending it all?




  1. Don't mean to sound harsh here but

    Go to London and hope that you'll get stabbed..

    Sorry to anyone who took offence by this. x

  2. i would like to die in my sleep so i wouldn't know it wasn't happening lol  

  3. solving the problem befor you die as if u do kill yoursel u will go to h**l.  

  4. Get to the roof of the nearest building and jump. Cheap, easy, yet effective.  

  5. By sacrificing your life for a good cause.  Like going to some war torn country and volunteer out there.  

  6. Keep reading YA until you're bored to death - shouldn't take too long.

  7. one would get the butler to do it ofcorse.

  8. Not too. And seek professional help.

  9. Easy! Hurry up and wait! Life is harsh sometimes, but your time will come when it does. I'm not saying that in a "God will take you when he's ready for you" type deal...just when it happens, it is what it is. But even though you have a head full of gloomy c**p, i'm sure you have moments here and there where something makes you laugh, and you think "well son of a ...i really enjoyed that" or what helps me is to think of someone who has it way worse than i do. when i think that theres no possible way anyone could be further down the black  hole of "nothing left" i get online and will look (as disturbing as it sounds) until i find horrible things that people have dealt with, or have to deal with on a daily basis. i feel so saddened with their loss, it makes me so grateful for what i have in my life.  

  10. Shooting yourself through the mouth and temple at the same time with two handguns. Don't try opening a vein, you just end up in a secure facility wandering around with bandaged wrists, and under 24hr obs. (Been there, done that.) Before you do anything though, GET HELP!!! At least give yourself a chance in therapy, you just don't realise at the moment that it could be so much better. You are now at rock bottom, the only logical way is up.

  11. The quickest, least painful way is by shooting yourself. There is a chance you will live, they best point to shoot from is by placing the barrel in your mouth, pointing as "upwards as possible". Shooting your temple will essentially be like giving yourself a lobotomy.

    If using a gun is not possible, the only sensible option is jumping from an extremely high building, over 15 stories. People have jumped from less and lived. This can be seen by MANY people, including children that can go into depression themselves from seeing your ruined body smashed into a car, or street. Therefore, not recommended if you have  empathy for other people.

    Carbon Monoxide Inhalation is FAIL proof.  Even if you back out, CO molecules irreversibly attach themselves to human hemoglobin and the result is often fatal.

    Suicide is never the solution. There is no problem so great that it can not be resolved with time and care. This is meant not as an instruction guide, but a description of the most efficient of suicide. Please remember, no matter how bad things get, someone, somewhere is able to listen to you and help you through.

  12. The question should be where would I spend my eternity if I took my life, h**l of course, it does exist and so does heaven.  There are two books you need to read 23 minutes in h**l and 90 minutes in heaven, you need to compare the two and decide where you want to spend eternity at.  Unfortunately, we as humans do not get to decide if there is a heaven or h**l, we just have to make the right choices that send us to heaven.   Nothing in this temporary life is worth being punished forever for.  Not meaning to sound "preachy" to you.  There is meaning to life, surround yourself with people who support you.  If you don't have them now, there are places to get help.

  13. there is no quick and efficient way, other than perhaps shooting yourself in the head (which is rather obvious), but even that can go horribly wrong. all methods are painful to an extent, and all are difficult and likely to fail. trust me i should know, i've researched and thought about it in depth, and am still here cause i haven't found a good method of doing the job.

  14. Come on ralfy boy its nad t your gin drinking buddy what's this all about mate theirs know need to feel down you've got famile and friends what love you we all go through times like this if you need a friend you've got a friend in me god bless you .xxxx

  15. There is no such thing as an effective method of suicide. Even methods that are supposed to be effective can go wrong - very badly wrong.  There used to be a list of methods on the Internet that was done by a nurse who has seen the after math of suicides that went wrong and who wanted people who wanted to kill themselves to consider what could happen instead of what they want to happen.  It showed all the methods and then gave the true tales of those that tried them and what the result was - it was worst than death.  I can remember some and one was say Johnny, who decide to shoot himself in the head to end his terrible misery - he know dribbles and just sits there as the bullet just damaged his brain!  Then there was David. He decided to end it all by throwing himself off a tall building but it was not high enough and it left him disabled dragging his leg and with mental impairment, but not to such a degree that he can't remember a time before this when he was 'normal'.

    You pays your money you takes your chances! Best to get help, and I accept you are just enquiry but I answer in general terms.

  16. Why would you even think of such a thing??????????????????????

    Suicide is a sin and the main churches all agree on this, christian, muslim etc.  If you really felt that way then you should speak to a counselor or priest, inconfidence.  

  17. Don't listen to people who claim God exists. They're talking out of their a*s. If you really want to end it all - take an over-dose when you know you wont be found. Listen....i'm not here to make judgements about you since i am constantly trying to fight suicide. But everytime i've took an overdose i got scared and ended up telling someone and then being rushed to hospital. It took me 3 times to realise that life is worth fighting for and if i really wanted it easy i would just end it all. But part of me wanted to see if i could fight this, and if i couldn't....i could just end it all right?

    If you wanna talk just email me

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