
If only 50% of the funds on vain projects and weak causes could have been saved???

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The billions of $ could help to double a country, any country's resources---more equipment and manpower to fight crimes(rising every 6 months), more helicopters and boats for faster deployments during natural disasters, increasing the budget for more police officers, and teachers or classrooms with 20-30 pupils' capacity? Just an idea for govt or NGOs to take up.

Are these fair statements, assumptions for progress?




  1. If by vain projects, you include the War in Iraq, I am behind you all the way. Those billions we are throwing down the toilet in Iraq could be spent on infrastructure, education, health care and FEMA.

  2. Just what do you think constitutes a vain project and weak cause?

    Maybe other citizens and taxpayers have different opinions about these projects and causes.

  3. We could save billions--maybe trillions--if the Government would just follow the Constitution and stay out of our private affairs.  If the nanny state would just stop robbing Peter to pay Paul. And if the Military-Industrial Complex where to be reigned in to something reasonable.

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