
If only her friend weren't there...?

by  |  earlier

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There's this girl in my Chemistry class who kept looking right at me. Don't worry, I know it's nothing too serious, but I mean...she looked right up at me from across the lab table and we just kinda...looked at each other for a few seconds. Then I smiled and looked slightly away, and she smiled a little too. So obviously, I'd like to start talking to her more, but...she's always with her friend. What do I do? I mean...her friend is always talking to her, and I feel like I would never be able to get a word in. And even if I could, I wouldn't feel right introducing myself and such right in front of, what shoudl I do?




  1. Well i dont think it's a crush, she thinks your cute ect ect. But it can turn into something else if u want it to. If ur going to introduce yourself to her, go right up and do it. Even if her friend is around you can bump into her a fake bump ofcourse and be like sorry, and you've got her attention. and u can start of by saying hey, ur in my Chemistry class, my name is Zee, and you are? (thats my name, say ur name though LMAO ). Good luck. it's hard to find ways to walk up to a girl escpecially when there is a nosy friend around.

  2. If shes ever on her own just go up to her if not just go up to her when he friends there, she will obviously tell her friend exactly what you said to her anyway even if shes not there, cause thats what girls do, so just go for it (:  x

  3. Have one of your friend distract her friend. Or talk to her friend first and get both involved in a convo

  4. well what I would do is say to her is simple can I talk to u alone and u ask her if you like her and ask her out

  5. I'm a girl and if there was a guy like that i'd say keep looking at me and smiling until I get the message.

    If the teacher is talking about going into groups or pairs, try to catch her eye so she thinks about being in your group.

    Try to catch her another time in the corridor or at lunch of after school.

    If she's always with her friend, do something like drop a pencil so it rolls under her desk then go and get it!!

    Go with one of your friends and get him to talk to her friend.

    Walk past her and go 'i like you top it looks nice on you' or some other ccompliment.. no matter how lame it sounds.. us girls are easily flattered (generally)

    and.... USE UR COURAGE. You are a male. Be strong. (ahem.. i think i'm getting a bit into this :-s)

    You get the idea :p xoxo

  6. I think what it will take is for you to break in on that. I guess it's something about a guy making himself more important than the friend that gets the girl's attention best

  7. Se if they are into a threesome. that would be awesome.

  8. uhh go  for it no matter what...if you like her and would like to get to know her then your prolly going to have to deal with her friends too soo you mis well jus go ahead.

  9. you should make a small move. she probably thinks you're cute/ is a little interested in you.  you dont have to be too chatty. just say hey wen u walk past her table and theres eye contact. or do the head nod thing when your eyes meet and she smiles.  

  10. awwww, thats cute.

    i would be like, looking fr her name on myspace or something and send her a message there. after that like, she'll approach you if the friend still tries to follow... she is a nosy *****... so kind of ignore the friend completely. and talk to your woman!!!

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