
If opinions of the Chinese regime didn't change, why'd China try so hard?

by Guest32321  |  earlier

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Earlier I asked if opinions of the Chinese communist government changed because of how China hosted the Olympics and the show they put on. Most answers basically replied, no. Reasons were that communism is just that and China is still the same China in their eyes.

If China did all this to "look good" to the rest of the world, why would they take a 20 billion dollar gamble?




  1. i answered your first question. but i think since you were talking about the gov't and officials, as opposed to China in general, that's why ppl said their opinions didn't change.  As i said earlier i always knew that China (in general) was awesome, and i think most ppl will have an improved opinion about China (in general) but not about the gov't and officials. One thing that might still be tarnishing China's reputation is the whole controversy about the age of the Chinese gymnasts. In my opinion, i'm really getting tired of hearing people say the chinese are cheating.  

  2. Its the Olympics.  Give the Chinese credit for trying to do it right.   Will it bring lasting change?  We'll have to wait and see.   At least they tried.  

  3. As a Chinese in Hong Kong I fully understand why the Americans and the world are so critical of China. In many aspects China is behaving not satisfactory, but you must know that we started as a starving country in the 1960’s, and the rate of change is simply incredible, even to a Hongkonger like me. Whichever government who can unite 13 billion people to do this should be regarded a great one. It is very certain that China will overtake USA in many many aspects, and Americans should not remain so naive without coming to China to take a look and just depend on your media to understand us. I understand you much much more than you understand me. I can listen, read, write and speak in both English and Chinese, can you?

    — Posted by Arthur

    Sooooo.....Just SHUT up! Thank You

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