
If other people have my last name and they know where thier ancestors came from does that mean...?

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Would that mean my ancestors also came from that place. Im asking because my last name is Razo and I have seen other people on who have big family trees but I can only go back as far back to my great grandfather, I have not asked my dad yet either so maybe he can give me more information. Anyways, if someone else were to know where the last name Razo came from, that would mean my ancestors came from their too right?




  1. Probably

  2. There is a Casimiro Razo listed on a family tree at, he wasn't born in Mexico but his father was.

    Are either [A] or [B] Casimiro / Filmeno Razo families your relatives?  


    1.Casimiro RAZO was born 1929. He was the son of 2. Filomeno RAZO and 3. Clara LINARES.    

    2. Filomeno RAZO was born Abt 1897 in Mexico.  

    3. Clara LINARES was born 1896 in Mexico.  


    Children of Clara LINARES and Filomeno RAZO are:    

        i. Francisco Linares RAZO was born 26 Feb 1916 in Oklahoma City,Oklahoma, and died 1 Jul 1974. He married Maria HURTADO, daughter of Francisco HURTADO and Felipa VASQUEZ. She was born 13 Oct 1922 in Maricopa County,Arizona, and died 3 Jan 2003.  

        ii. Trinidad RAZO was born 1922.

        iii. Demasio RAZO was born 1924.

        iv. Emilia RAZO was born 1927.

        v. Marcemina RAZO was born 1926.

    1.   vi. Casimiro RAZO was born 1929.

        vii. Living RAZO.



    Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997

    Name: Casimiro Razo

    Date of Birth: 5 Apr 1947

    Birth County: Hidalgo  

    Father's Name: Filomeno Razo

    Mother's Name: Carmen Cruz

    Roll Number: 1947_0010

    You said you know that you know you great grandfather is from Mexico.  Are you trying to find out where your ancestors were before Mexico?  The family trees that I have seen with the surname Razo are from Mexico

    I have traced my ancestors with my surname to Cornwall,  England dating back to the 1,500s, yet it's a very common surname in Germany as well as other countries.  

    There are passenger records that show a people with the surname Razo who were Hungarian, German, Canadian,South American, some born in Mexico visiting relatives in Germany.  

    You must be curious why your great grandfather had blonde hair and blue eyes. there are many possiblities, but unless you trace your "direct" ancestor's records, you'll never know where they are actually from.

  3. Not necessarily.

    It depends on how far back they go because familes thend to branch out, for example, some stayed in Europe and some came to the New world.

    If you see some common ancestors then You can be a lot more convinced the ancestry is tied to you

  4. In addition to other good answers here, I would point out something. I had not realized until I started my own family tree, that ones own current last name is a very small part of the family tree. It branches very quick, and you only have your fathers last name, and that is by cultural tradition. We tend to identify strongly with it, because it is our written name, but what about your mothers maiden name- just as much your heritage. The list of last names grows quick the number doubles every generation back: by your great great grandparents you have 16 family last names, 16 different families and back grounds. I have not traced my own last name back farther than 1827, but other lines I have going back hundreds of years earlier.

    I strongly recommend getting information from your living relatives. The most important generations to me on my tree are the most recent ones including the living ones- its about who I am, before that, its all just interesting history...

    So, a little different answer to your question, even if your Razo ancestors came from the same place, you would only know a tiny fraction of where "your" ancestors came from.

  5. Surnames came into existence independently...i.e., the same surname could come from not only various regions of a country, but from several different countries. (such as my own surname).

    As to "Razo", see:

    The ONLY way you can find out if your family tree is connected to those other trees is by research, working BACK IN TIME from yourself.

    And, no, just because some one else traced their family tree to a certain place and having the same surname does NOT mean your family tree can be traced to the same spot.

  6. Razo came from Razor who had lost his R!

  7. It depends to a large extent on what the name means.  If Razo is also the name of a place and there's only one place with that name, it's likely that your ancestors came from that place.  On the other hand, if Razo is a trade name or a descriptive name, people with that name could have come from many different places.

    Your ggf's first name may be a clue.  I've never before heard of an Hispanic man named Casimiro, but Casimir is a fairly popular name among Poles--who are more likely than Mexicans to be blue-eyed blonds.  Could your ggf's parents have come from Poland to Mexico, shortened their name from something like Razomovski, and given their son the Spanish version of a name used in the family?

  8. NO, it does not at all guarantee that you are from the same branch/ family or related.  Everything but everything in genealogy depends on valid records to show a connection, if it exists.  What needs to be happening, is that you must locate records that backs up what Dad knows, or more so, records to identify PAST what he knows.  Until you find some record, it is only guessing (and bad guessing at that) to believe those are also your relatives.  And, don't get hung up on where the last name comes from.. what you need, is knowing where your individual ancestors were.

    Here is a site to start you on understanding what those records are, as well as how to find them.  Can you identify something solid about gr grandpa? I mean, his name, approx when and where he was born/died?  If you are in the US, and he was born before 1930, we should be able to locate him in that, and give you some solid info.

    By the way.. unless those trees online have records to back them up, you cannot be certain those are accurate.

  9. Not necessarily.

    Ancestry.Com, I believe, is the best for its records.  However, information in family trees on their website or ANY website, free or paid, must not be taken as absolute fact without verifying it with records.  All the family trees are subscriber submitted and mostly not documented. Even when you see the same information repeatedly by many different subscribers on the same people that is no guarantee at all that it is correct.  A lot of people are copying without verifying.  The information can be very helpful as CLUES  as to where to find the documentation.  

    You should always talk to living family first, particularly your senior family members. Tape them if they will let you.  It might turn out they are confused on a lot of things, but what might seem to be insignificant story telling might be very significant.  

    Ask if any has any old family bibles.  Ask to see and make copies of birth, marriage and death certificates they have.  Depending on the religious faith baptismal, first communion, confirmation, marriage certificates can be helpful.  

    Once you do all that, you have a foundation to start your search.

    If you can get your great grandfather's death certificate, it will probably have the names of both of his parents as well as their place of birth.

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