
If ouija boards are dangerous then why do they sell them at toys are us/?

by Guest32779  |  earlier

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If ouija boards are dangerous then why do they sell them at toys are us/?




  1. Ouija boards are harmless,and safe silly fun.If you're easily spooked by corporate evil-doing.Read "The Store"by Bentley Little.It's fiction,but by the standards here it could be about Toys R Us.

  2. same reason why they sell kids toys that are high in lead... money is money

  3. They are only dangerous to the people who think they are. The power of suggestion and different beliefs does wonders on the mind. If you don't believe you wouldn't buy them unless you wanted to have fun. I have had alot of fun with them myself wondering and insisting the other person was moving it and they insisted I was doing it. We always ended up laughing and putting it away. They have been around for many years and if they were truly dangerous they wouldn't be on the market. Wish I was the one who invented it!!!

  4. Because they aren't dangerous.  And why aren't they dangerous?  Because they don't work.  People delude themselves into thinking they're communicating with spirits, but that's because they want so badly for it to work that they subconsciously move the platen themselves.

  5. The only way the ouija boards can be dangerous is when one kid accuses another of pushing the pointer, and the other kid denies it, and they get into a fight. Ouija boards results are a well known phenomena - people unconsciously guide the pointer's movements relative to their own ideas or knowledge. It's been proven that when people in the group have a mistaken idea about something, then the ouija board will be wrong the same way. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything supernatural. They are just fun toys that expose an interesting side to human psychology.

  6. If VIOXX (link below) is dangerous why did Merck sell it? Why did doctors prescribe it? Why did the FDA approve it?

    Point made.


  7. Satan is insidiously evil.

  8. They are not anymore dangerous than anything else anyone could have that they use improperly.  You do not need a ouija board in order to summon the dead.  In fact, you need no special equipment at all.  What you do need is the knowledge to know what you are doing when you play around with something like that for "sport".  Look at this is way( even if this is a bit extreme) you can lay down on a railroad track and that in itself is not dangerous.  But it is if the train is coming.

  9. Do you really think the comapny that makes those actually believes it works? I seriously doubt it, because if they did, they wouldn't sell them. If the general public believed they worked they'd banned in a heartbeat.

  10. I have to suppose this is a serious question, but reading the answers already here, fills me with despair.  As the old saying goes .. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

    I KNOW that spirit communication happens all the time.  I KNOW that like attracts like and so if approached with the attitude of mind displayed here by most people, then spirit people of low moral fibre can and do attach themselves to the persons using the ouija board,

    Best left well alone, if you want to communicate with those on the other side of life, go to a reputable Spiritualist medium.

  11. Because the company doesn't believe in the paranormal and don't consider the Ouija board to be dangerous. And even if they did they are out to make a buck.

  12. I geuss people do not respect the spirits anymore its always about money money money .

  13. In pursuit of ~M O N E Y~





  14. Because the bosses of ToysRUs are skeptics and also they will probably sell anything that shows a profit for them.(Besides..who's going to sue them about Ouija Boards and say they got possessed etc? People know better than to do that in this skeptical world.)

    Edit..3 thumbs downs...must be relatives of the ToysRUs bosses on here.

    Edit..seer...that's a good example. I never thought of that. Maybe one reason they don't work for some people is because at that time there aren't any spirits etc. in the vicinity.  (No..I don't believe that every inch of the earth is filled with spirits.)(MAYBE they come in and out from another dimension.)

  15. Darn good question!

  16. There are crappy toys r us boards, they don't work, I think at least.  But there a re real "Adult" boards that when used properly with other adults can work...good or bad.  One BIG tip,

    NEVER BURN A OUIJA BOARD!!!  This is because if you somehow have a successful summing, and the spirit/demon is evil, it cant be vanquished because the "door" it came through is gone.

  17. they don't care about kids.

  18. im scared ov them i wont mess with them but alot of people probably look at them as a board game i mean i really have no idea if they r real or not n i dont ever wanna find out but ithink most people just dont take them seriously thats all

  19. They are no more dangerous than keeping a diary. Anytime you look to the nature of things, there is danger... The man who discovered X-Rays died of Cancer shortly thereafter. So, live life in courage, not in fear.

  20. There are many things that are dangerous in our society that is for sale. If the food and drug administration doesn't ban it, it can be sold. Personally, I would never put a cell phone to my head. There are many things sold that are unhealthy--there's no one controlling some areas. That is why we as consumers must be wise about our choices.

  21. they should not sell them its a weird thing to stock  especially as its usually kids that shop there

  22. 1st of all, not everybody thinks they are dangerous (i do) toys are us probably dont think it is real beacause it hasnt been scientifically proven. although many pppl might complain abt it, they dont really bother and carry on selling it coz they want to make money...

    its really unfortunate that those stuff r really being sold.. seriously.. dont ever go near one.. many pp

    l dont know this.. but spirits can kill. seriously..

    they can

    p.s... i sooo agree with the girl above me (gold digger)

  23. because people buy them

  24. In this world, no money no talk.

  25. Because we are the lame consumers who will buy anything and everything......

    *More money, more  money, more money........Ha, ha!

  26. Because people don't take it seriosly, and think it's just a game.

  27. Haha!  Good point.

    My guess is that because they aren't dangerous.

    EDIT: psi, Vioxx?  That's your reason.  Wow, snap!

  28. real gud question..... u shud ask toys r us that.... id say its cuz there greedy an dont care bout wat hurt they do.... to me its like selling loaded guns to little kids....

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