
If our country required mandatory civil service (not military) would you do it without complaining?

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I am referring to things like picking up trash, maintaining public buildings., etc..all without pay. Would you do it willingly for the sake of your fellow countryman and without complaining? Or would you only do it if you got some monetary compensation?




  1. I think there should be a paid option to either serve in the military or serve the nation in a civil manner for 4 years.  To become a citizen a person would have to serve in one of the two manners ala Heinlein's starship troopers.  Non-citizens/civilians would not be eligible to vote or hold office; not even have any say in the manner the nation was governed.  This would place a value on citizenship that most of the people have forgotten about.

  2. Mandatory military service is reqired in many countries around the world. The sissy liberals in this country ought to wake up and smell the patriotism.

    i served, my dad served, my son served as did all of my ancestors. Mandatory military service would do a great deal toward changing the entitled mentality of snivelling little teenaged boys so they would make more out of themselves than brainless skateboarders and glue -sniffing  grafftti vandals who impregenate teenage welfare mothers and then leave them because they are brainless, snivelling and entitled hormone factories that think women and the world owe them. i have no respect for these little weenies.

  3. No, you should get paid. But it should be done, without complaint. What exactly would I live on while doing this?

  4. Since this is a form of servitude, and prohibited under the 14th Amendment (except as punishment by due process), you're darn tootin' I'd complain!

  5. I would do it, but complain while I did it.  

    If people who get a check from the government for not working did it, I cannot see who would mind.

  6. I would always volunteer my time to help my community, regardless of whether it were required by law.  You get out what you put in.

  7. I would complain heartily because that would be nothing more than legalized slavery!

  8. People forget that it's an American right to complain.

    Complain away.  But you may be forced to do it anyway.

  9. I am a civil servant now .Had to pass a test.The draft may be coming real soon for the 100 tear war!!Of Obama doesn't win.

    Obama 2008!!

  10. I would vote against the people who put it in place and resist.

  11. no i would'nt do it under no condition

  12. Ancient nations required service (also called duty, conscription, corvee or burden) from all citizens.  The pyramids were built not only by slaves, but by engineers and architects conscripted in this fashion.

    As money came into fashion in the 3rd century BC this mode of payment slowly began to wane until most nations now require only military service in time of war.

    I think that every young citizen should be required to do national service (civilian or military).  Picking up trash can best be done by the unskilled or as a punishment for infractions.

  13. Good luck with that proposal. We have enough people dodging jury duty where they can get some pay.

  14. Yes I would...however, I feel that should be left to those on welfare who cannot find jobs.  Government should look into providing daycare so this could be done.  This will help pay for their "free" checks.

  15. I would be willing to do all these things either with or without pay. Of course, I might shoot off my mouth occasionally (Just as if the average grunt in WWII shot off his mouth about Patton, it didn't necessarily mean that he wanted Hitler to win the war.)

  16. You would get paid just like the military or Peace Corps does.  No one has suggested national service without a living wage or comparable compensation.  Even jury duty gets some compensation.

    I think its a good idea as long as you can choose what kind of service it is.

    But honestly, does anyone do anything for any period of time without complaining...

  17. Enforced charity / good works isn't virtuous.  The scenario you are describing is essentially a tax.  The gov. is taking labor instead of money.  I am free to gripe about my tax rates, work within the system to try and change it, and vote for candidates who feel like I do.

  18. If the government wasn't STEALING so much money from me already, I'd consider it... But I think a previous poster has the correct idea... The leeches on welfare need to be put to work performing civil service for their checks... It works great in other countries!

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