
If our economy is so bad...why can't I find a Wii? They fly off the shelves...These things are $300!?

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It seems that all the parking lots are full at the Outback on the weekends. I can't find a parking spot on a Saturday at the mall. The most expensive and latest gadgets are flying off store shelves, but America is having an economic meltdown? Something doesn't ring true here. Could it be liberal propaganda? THE HORROR!




  1. Yes, you are correct that people are still spending money using credit.  Don't worry, the credit crisis is next on the list after the housing meltdown.

    Get ready.  It's about to get a lot worse.

  2. Gee, really? rofl.

    There is no crisis that calls for "change" or a "revolution," so one must be fabricated. It's the way socialists have been coming to power for centuries (cough cough, Soviet Union).

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