
If over half of our military is Black, then why is it that 95% of the dead or injured soldiers are White?

by  |  earlier

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I think if these numbers were reversed, we would be hearing from Al Sharpton.




  1. Did not know that over half the military is black.  

  2. im guessing the arabs would rather kill a white dude? idkk

  3. now you see me.

    now you dont.  

  4. First of all, I'd like like to see where you're getting your numbers, but to your question.

    Didn't you ever see Cedric the Entertainer talking about black people and running?

  5. Again you are getting results from groups that want to keep racial relations in a up roar. They like to keep us in an uproar to keep us confused and too busy to see that they are stealing us blind.  We need a new group of politicians, like honest one!  Yea i know you think it cant be done, that's what the colonies said in the 1770's, but we won anyway. We need to stick together a AMERICANS, not white, black or any other american.

  6. Bull... the majority of our soldiers are White.

  7. Your numbers are not correct at all

  8. good question

  9. Moody person:  Your numbers are incorrect & invalid!  

    You are ignorant & racist!  The Klan is looking for new members like yourself!  You will definitely be an asset!  

    Anyone who dies while serving his/her country is a national tragedy, regardless of race!

    ALL Humans, I repeat:  ALL HUMANS eat, bleed, love, grieve & eventually die!

    Death has no color!  Regardless of the circumstance(s).

    Say your prayers tonight, AND ask God to forgive you for being so WICKED!!!  

  10. Your information is inaccurate.  Blacks do not make up more than half of the military.  The Sharpton comment says a lot about you.  

  11. al sharpton is a dumb a..

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