
If palestinians used nonviolent tactics e.g. protesting, could they actually get their entire land back...?

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The land today known as Israel?

Or do you think that is impossible and way too ambitious, hence we will keep having terrorists coz they wanna "eliminate Israel".

Note: I understand the occupation of Palestine could be nonviolently settled like Gandhi would do, but I'm talking about that overall goal the radicals have of getting all of the land back to the arabs which Israel is based on right now? Could Gandhi have reached that goal? At the time of Israel's creation, he opposed Israel and supported the Palestinians.




  1. No since Israel was attacked back in 1973 the land they occupy now belongs to them. Palestine can have some Syrian land.

  2. Although it would be a good experiment, it is unlikely that non-violent protest will result in anything.  Israel is bulldozing houses everyday in Palestine to make room for more jewish settlements.  The people they displace sometimes have only hours to vacate the premises or risk being crushed (yes they will and have done that before).  In fact non-Palestinians (Europeans and Americans mostly) have been protesting the occupation for years now and yet there is little mention in the mainstream media about their struggle.

    I watched a documentary about one such group standing in front of the bulldozers in hopes of slowing the destruction of Palestinian homes.  The bulldozer crushed the British protestor and then tried to say it was an accident.  The man died on the way to an Israeli hospital after waiting hours in an inadequate Palestinian hospital trying to get permission to cross into Israeli territory.  If the man had been Palestinian, this would not have been an option.  If this kind of protest goes unnoticed in mainstream media then what hope do Palestinians have.

    The media is heavily biased towards Israelis and will mention every suicide bomb set off in Israel but will neglect to mention that the man who blew himself up just had his house bulldozed or his brother killed by indiscriminant Israeli fire.  There is more to the story then is told by mainstream media and we cannot simply disregard the plight of the Palestinians simply because some of them are so desperate and full of hate they would destroy themselves just to injure Israel.

    What makes a people so desperate that they would do this to themselves?  We have to look at the underlying reason for the violence and cannot look upon the violence in a context unto itself.  That is unfair and naive.

  3. No.

  4. If you knew your history then this wouldn't even be a question.  There are no people called Palestinians.  These people are really Jordanians that were displaced and now no Arab country wants them.  You don't notice them going and asking Jordan for their homes back!  Why not?  Because it will never happen and yet the world wants Israel to give back land to a people that by birth don't belong there!

  5. How?

    Does one know who is the Landlord?

    Exodus 19.5

    Matt 22.32

    Does one know who is the time-traveller passing by in time?

    Luke 9.25-27, 55-56,60

    Does one know who created the cheap-skate ghostly stories on tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant?

    Luke 3.7-9

    Does one know what is our purpose in life?


    Does one know who betrayed the young one?

    Luke 22.3-6

    Does the young one know how they were being short-changed, conned and deceived in broad daylights with cheap-skate ghostly stories on success and glory in idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom being passed off as religion by Judas with self lack of knowledge too?

    Luke 4.4-7

    Does the young one know how Judas kick them on the butts with their self lack of knowledge with cheap-skate ghostly stories in idol worshiping the dead Mummy as success and glory of the past civilization?

    John 8.44

    Does the young one know how the dead Mummy kick them on the butts too with self lack of knowledge?

    Luke 10.24

    Look in the real world.

    Who's short-changing, conning and deceiving the young one with their self lack of knowledge in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Does the young one know how Judas mess up and roughing up their heads against the wall with their self lack of knowledge?

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Does the young one know who is king midas with the golden touch and withered hands who touched all the children of the community and turned them all into gold?

    While trying to crown himself as king of the jew of the community.

    Matt 27.29,37

    Does the young one know how they were exposing Judas as  king midas were rude with self lack of knowledge.

    With children misbehave with unruly behaviour, self prides, self image of standing idol, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge.

    Living in misery with total loss of IQ without being aware of it.

    How the late Yasser Arafat left behind the six billion dollars question on what is an x-files to help the solve their misery.

    Before further damage being done by Judas in kicking him on the butts.

    Leviticus 4.13,22

  6. Palestine will never have its land back thanks to the United Nations declaring the Jewish the proud new owners of that land.  Furthermore, name one strong nation that backs Palestine...times up, you have your answer.  Its the principle lesson I learned in college strong states vs weak states and those who have the power make the rules.

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